Posts Tagged ‘Old Woman’

Why little things are so important

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

I was talking to Anastasia today.
She is from Ukraine and today she
became a citizen of America.
She was so happy and our whole office
decided to celebrate!
We got a huge vegetable platter and a
delicious Russian cake.
Anastasia dove into the vegetables and ate a
little piece of a turnip and she said,
“This reminds me of Ukraine, and a
Folk tale I heard when I was a child.”

The folk tale goes like this:

An old grandpa planted a turnip!
When the turnip grew it was enormous!!
The old grandpa started to pull the
turnip out of the ground.
He pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out!!
So he called his wife.

The old grandma took hold of the old grandpa,
the old grandpa took hold of the turnip, and they
pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out!!
So the old woman called the granddaughter over.

The granddaughter took hold of the old grandma,
the old woman took hold of the old grandpa,
the old grandpa took hold of the turnip, and they
pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. So the
granddaughter called the dog over.

The dog took hold of the granddaughter, the
granddaughter took hold of the old grandma, the old
grandma took hold of the old grandpa, the old grandpa
took hold of the turnip, they pulled and pulled, but
couldn’t pull it out. So the dog called the cat over.

They all tried pulling in the same manner but they
couldn’t pull it out!!!! So the cat called the mouse over.

The mouse took hold of the cat, the cat took hold
of the dog, the dog took hold of the granddaughter,
the granddaughter took hold of the old grandma,
the old grandma took hold of the old grandpa, the
old grandpa took hold of the turnip, they pulled and
pulled–and finally pulled out the turnip!

Anastasia says that the story sounds WAY better in
Russian because all of the words rhyme and it sounds
like a tongue twister!
This is how you would say it in Russian:
Myshka za koshku, koshka za Zhuchku, Zhuchka za
vnuchku, vnuchka za babku, babka za dedku, dedka za
repku, tyanut-potyanut–vytyanuli repku!
Mice after cat, cat after dog, dog after granddaughter,
granddaughter after grandma, grandma after grandpa,
grandpa after turnip, they pulled and pulled and
pulled out the turnip!
This all somehow rhymes!
It’s the same when you’re practicing Qi Gong.
It’s the littlest tiniest things that affect you.
Regularity of practice, every day at the same
time once you establish this pattern and you
keep it, you’ll notice miraculous changes in
your body, mind and spirit.
When I first started practicing Crane style Qi Gong,
I did it every morning at exactly 7 o’clock and every
evening at the same time. I didn’t miss a day. Two
trainings a day, 7 days a week and I totally turned
around my energy. My Chakras in my hand opened
and I could feel the Qi moving through my veins like
giant rivers of energy.
If you want to experience the same thing, be consistent
in your practice and get your copy of
Flying Crane Qi Gong today!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Walking your Walk & Talk your Talk can transform your Life.

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Do you think it’s bad luck to
have a black cat cross your path?
Some superstitious people still believe this.

I have a friend who drove down
to visit for the 4th of July and when
he got to my house my two black
guard cats crossed his path
and he freaked out.
I asked him what that was
all about and he was surprised
that I didn’t know that black
cats were bad luck.

I chuckled to myself and after he
got settled I got to the computer
and looked it up.

There is an old wife’s tale about
a father and son who were traveling
on a dark new moon night when a
black cat crossed their path.
They pick up rocks and hurled
them at the cat. The frightened cat
hid and ran into an old woman’s house
at the end of the road to hide.
The next morning the father and the
son saw the old woman walking.
She had bruises all over her body and
walked with a limp. They concluded
that this was no coincidence at all,
the woman was believed to be a witch
who changes herself into a black cat
at night to prowl the streets unnoticed.

A black cat is not lucky or unlucky.
Depending on where you live, in some
cultures, the black cat is still revered
and a symbol of good luck even today.
The Scottish believe that when a strange
black cat arrives to the home it
signifies prosperity.

I believe that Ones luck never changes
for better or worse for at one we
all cross a black cat.
We make our own luck.
Real Luck has to do with a few
things like self talk, and visualizations.

Self talk can be good or bad depending
what you are saying to yourself.
One can be saying that they are successful
out loud and at the same time telling
themselves internally that they will
never be successful. It takes practice
and training to get congruent with your
inner and outer speech patterns. It is the
same for ones visualizations. If you see
yourself healthy and strong –you are
usually that way, but if you only talk the
talk and don’t walk the walk you are
bound to fail.

There is a very brilliant psychologist
that I met who sent her entire group to
my class to learn the ancient formula
of The Magic Square. This goes back
to the Chinese system of Fung Shui
where there are 9 squares all having to
do with a different part of your life.

*Travel and influential people
*Self cultivation

Once you learn and apply the principles
to your life you will have a road map to
have what you want to accomplish.
We video recorded the entire seminar
and had it professionally edited into two DVD’s.

Many of you have written me and asked
if you could acquire a copy of the
workshop that I taught in Miami on
the Ancient Chinese Healing Secret.
I don’t share these teachings with the
public, but if you have been a loyal
reader of Dr. Wu’s health tips I have
agreed to share these.

If you are ready to make some big
changes in your life and are tired of
waiting– order your copy of the
magic square workshop now:

Make the changes and start walking
your walk and talking your talk.
You will see and feel the difference
in your life within days of doing the program.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you send in your order before
the 15th of July, I will enclose a
FREE copy of one of my DVD’s
a $30.00 value.

Dr. Wu Dhi