Posts Tagged ‘National Jewish’

Who is Watching your Back?

Friday, February 10th, 2012

I was at a party the other
night and struck up a conversation
with a group of people about health
and who is watching your back.

We were discussing the article written
in the Health & Wellness section of the
Wall Street Journal:

“What if the doctor is wrong?”

Basically, it was about how many times
patients are misdiagnosed and treated
for the wrong disease.
The article went on to say that as many as
25% of patients who arrive at the major
medical centers with diagnoses for
certain cancers such as lymphoma
may receive a different diagnosis.

Primary-care doctors can misdiagnose common symptoms.
In a study, 202 patients most commonly complained
about abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, shortness of
breath and rash. Incorrect diagnoses included:

•Benign viral infection 17%
•Musculoskeletal pain 10%
•Asthma/Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 6%
•Benign skin lesion 4%
•Pneumonia 4%

Final correct diagnoses for patients
misdiagnosed initially included:
•Cancer 16%
•Pulmonary embolism 6%
•Coronary artery disease 5%
•Aneurysm 8%
•Appendicitis 6%

The National Jewish Health, a
Denver Medical Center, found in a
study that more than half of patients
who were diagnosed with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease had
previously been misdiagnosed with asthma,
leading to inappropriate treatments.
Misdiagnoses can come about for various
reasons. Pathologists and radiologists may
misread slides and scans or fail to use the
latest tests or technology.

What to Ask When Seeking
a Second Opinion:

1.Have you reviewed all the materials related to my case?

2.Was the lab test/image/biopsy specimen
adequate to make a firm diagnosis?
Would a repeat test give me more information?

3.Are you certain that this is the disease that I have?
Could there be another explanation for these
symptoms or results?

4.If you agree with the initial diagnosis, can
you confirm or suggest modifications to the first
doctor’s proposed treatment plan?

5.Can you reassure me that we have
explored all the options?

The truth about health is; the more responsibility
you take for your own health the better your chances
are of you living to be 100 in

Every day I see people with a host of
dis-eases, some of it is from mental
imbalances, others suffer from toxic
overload and a bunch of them come into
the office for physical injuries.

There is always more to dis-ease than it
first appears. All Dis-ease has mutable
components to it and most doctors are only
addressing the physical.

I believe that all dis-ease stems from an
imbalance in one of the three bodies.
The ancient Taoist masters recognized
the importance of working on all three
levels of our being, the physical body,
the energy body, and the spiritual body.

The three bodies correspond with the three forces:

1. The Physical body with the Earth
2. The Energy body with the force of Man and Nature.
3. The Spiritual body with the Heaven
(primordial) Yang force

In the human body, we call these
forces the “Three Treasures”

A. Life -Essence/Sexual energy
B. Qi- Life-force
C. Shen -Spirit or consciousness.

All three are important in forming a
vehicle with which we may climb
consciously into the spiritual worlds and,
back into the physical world to be
creatively active here. This vehicle
enables us to learn about the inner worlds
and to return with knowledge and
increased energy. An Immortal Body,
which is developed in the practice of
Internal Alchemy, enables you to establish
a constant link between life and the
after-death state.

To truly heal from any dis-ease all three
bodies must be addressed.
I know patients who have been in
remission from cancer and other diseases
for a few years and then it comes back
like a monster in the night to haunt them.
Why? I believe that the healing of the
dis-ease was only addressed in the physical
body and the other two bodies were never
attended to so the blue print of the disease
was still in tact and sooner or later the
disease showed its ugly head again.

In the Qi Gong Inner Circle I teach
“The Members” the healing techniques
and longevity practices drawn from Taoism,
Tibetan Buddhism, and Alchemy to
transform their lives, how to heal your body,
mind and spirit, the keys to anti aging
medicine and meditations to open up your
third eye, heart and base chakras.

Do you really want to be like so many
elderly men and women who are getting
their hips and knees replaced? Do you
really want to follow the pill-popping trend
that goes along with high-blood pressure,
diabetes, high-cholesterol and the glut of
other problems currently plaguing those
men and women who’ve passed away at
the age of 40?

I definitely hope not.

I think it’s a damn good idea to live 100
years or more in excellent health.

Don’t you?

Order NOW and travel the road of maximum
health and well-being.

May you live to be 100 in PERFECT HEALTH!

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Every Wednesday night at
7:00 pm I teach the members of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle a private
meditation class at my office.
Come by and check it out
18205 Biscayne Blvd. Suite # 2214
Aventura, Florida 33160
Call for more details 786-271-0325