Archive for the ‘Recharging Qi Gong’ Category

The Zen of Breathing

Friday, May 1st, 2015

The Zen of Breathing…

My teacher started his Zen training as a teenager and as most
teenagers do, he acted as if he was both all knowing and
Youthful arrogance and Zen are not the best combination
especially when the teacher carries a stick.
Regular beatings were required to speed up the process of
enlightenment but to his credit he stuck with it.
He was also fortunate enough to have a teacher that was trained
in several different schools of Zen and was well-versed with
many different breathing techniques.
Zen is not commonly known to have a multitude of “yogic”
breathing exercises, as do the Indian or Tibetan schools. In Zen
the philosophy is generally to simplify the method and focus on
the breathing itself.
Now imagine a hormonally hyperactive 16-year-old boy fidgeting
on his meditation cushion, trying to focus on HIS breathing. To
make matters worse this same boy was plagued with sinus trouble
and rarely had more than one nostril that was clear.
The boy was not the only one focusing on HIS breathing. The
sounds of mucus and snot bubbles coming out of his nose were
often the loudest things during meditation practice.
The mere presence of the boy in the meditation hall was a
psychic disturbance that could not be ignored no matter what
your level of training.
So what to do?
The Zen Master called the boy aside.
“Do you Breathe or are you Breathed?” the Zen Master asked.
Naturally the arrogant youth replied “I Breathe.”
“If you Breathe then show me Breathing.,” The Zen Master
The boy sat down diligently and began to sniff and snort with
purpose and measure through his stuffy nose.
The Zen Master rolled his eyes and held up his hand “STOP! If
you Breath now show me not Breathing.”
The boy held his breath and the Zen Master watched diligently.
Several moments passed while the boy gradually started to turn
blue. Suddenly he exploded and gasped for air.
“What’s a matta?” the Zen Master asked.
“Even if you manage to pass out by holding your breath you will
start breathing again on your own. I think that you should
investigate this further.” With that the Zen Master sent the
boy away to meditate on whether or not he breathed or was
The next day the Zen Master stepped into view in front of the
boy while he was in meditation. In his hand he held a rumpled
up paper lunch bag that he was breathing into. The bag expanded
and collapsed with every breath the Zen Master took. The Master looked
quizzically over the bag at the boy.
As many Zen Masters do, this particular teacher had a special
look that he would give a student that meant they should ask
what he was doing.
“What are you doing…” the boy reluctantly moaned, knowing full
well there was a potential stick whacking in it.
The Zen Master lowered the bag with a great big smile and
said “Me? Nothing. But this bag… this bag is Breathing!”
Not all whacks are delivered with a stick. The shock of
realization can be delivered even as a joke.
The boy did change his breathing and his focus. He was no
longer the distraction in the meditation hall. His breathing
became effortless and natural. He healed his sinus problems and
eventually he himself became the Master.
Changing the focus from breathing to Being Breathed is a big
step but one in the right direction if you want to really open
the flow of Qi in your body.
I rarely use a stick but I’m a big fan of the jokes as many of
you have seen in the Recharging Qi Gong.
It’s ok to laugh, it opens the lungs.
If you don’t have the Recharging Qi Gong there’s no excuse not
to get it today at and clear the
internal clutter and superficial tensions from your body.
You might even have a laugh or two.
Wishing you Health, Wealth and Happiness,
Dr. Wu Dhi
PS: I’m planning the first Recharging Qi Gong seminar to happen
this summer. This is an event you won’t want to miss, I will
send out details soon.
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Are You spoiled ?

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

Are You spoiled

Last night, I had dinner with on old friend in a
charming little place near the beach. The
restaurant had a European flair to it. All the
tables had a candle burning with a soft blue glow.
The waiters were very friendly and they knew the
menu well and told us what to order and what to
stay away from. There was always someone watching
our table to attend to our every need. In the
background, there were 3 musicians, a violin, and
a cello playing softly. You would think this would
have been a very romantic experience. Well, it
wasn’imagest. Her grandson came along and pouted through
the entire meal that you would have thought he was
5 or 6, but this young man was well into his
twenties. First, he complained about his parents,
and then his grandparent, and how they all had
problems and should fix their own problems and
leave him alone. Then, he went silent and refused
to speak for the rest of the meal. And out of
nowhere, he spoke up and said to his grandmother,
“Oh please, please, please, can I stay at your
beach house for the weekend? If that happened
when I was a kid, I would have lost a few teeth.
This spoiled kid is in his last year of college,
and claims that he is only going to school to
please his mother and grandmother, and how it’s
just a waste of his time and energy. Then, he made
another about-face and told me that he carried a
4.0 average and was working with some of the most
talented professors on the planet. You could see
that this young man was tormented from the inside

In our Western world of medicine, he would
probably be diagnosed as a bipolar or
schizophrenic. Looking at his situation from a
Daoist perspective, one has to look into different
dimensions. We live in a multi-dimensional reality
with the spirit world. Believe me or not, it
exists. Encounters with the spiritual entities can
either prove to be positive and uplifting or
negative. A positive encounter can include
inspirations, divine guidance, and even warn you
of danger. The negative encounters can include
spirit oppression, psychic attacks, and even
energy vampiring. The spirit world can affect our
body, energy, and mind as well as an individual’s
thoughts, desires, and feelings through the
conscious and subconscious energetic interactions
of the person’s spiritual state. These emotions
stem from our natural interaction with the spirit
world, and even if we try, spirits can’t be
totally repressed. We are continually being
directed and redirected without being aware of it.
The challenge is waking up from our unconscious
behaviors and ousting out the negative spirits.
Our conscious mind is either going in a positive
direction or a negative one, which will show up as
either healthy or diseased.

Later that same evening, I learned that the young
man is highly creative and intelligent, and was
ridiculed as a boy, and punished quite severely.
Or at least, he thought he was.

We all have unnecessary baggage, and even a
skeleton or two hidden in our closets that we
carry around for most of our life. That’s until we
clear it and decide to get on with life. Take
responsibility for your own situation, eliminate
the three poisons of Worry, Struggle and Blame,
and free yourself.

In the Internal Mantra program, I explain the
How-to-Free-Yourself and regain your personal
power. The good news is you can order today and
receive the program in just a few days

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is Fear Making you Sick?

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Is Fear Making you Sick?

Jody could be a beautiful woman but she carries herself around with head down and her tail tucked between her legs. She is fearful about something, and she unconsciously tenses her muscles, has a frown on her face and she is in a lot of pain..

When we hold fear in our body it starts to causes us to feel pain – not only in our bodies, but our minds .The internal pain is worse than physical pain.

Our families can bring us pain and even our friends can bring pain. We can have work that’s painful and financial troubles are always painful.
When pain shows it’s ugly head it can be psychological, physical or emotional – and for the most part it hits us from all three at once.

For a moment imagine a large pond of water. When you throw a rock in the pond it causes ripples and as the ripples hit the shore they disappear. When you have fear in your body it also causes ripples If you let it go they just disappear. But if you are holding on to the fearful situation it’s like flash freezing the pond and all those ripples show up as pain in your body. Trying to escape pain can create bigger blocks and before we realize it, our whole life can become a series of painful events just like Jody’s situation and you become somewhat crippled inside and out.

How do we free ourselves of this pain the quickest and let go of fear?
The fastest way is to change your physiology. That’s right change your posture, the way you move and how you carry yourself.

I have trained thousands of people in Qi Gong and brought them back to their powerful self in weeks. Theyimages have transformed their body and mind and let go of fears that they have been holding for a lifetime.
Fear can and will keep you from doing what you want in your life and the recharging Qi gong program will free you of the fears stuck in your body/mind. Don’t delay order today

I wish you the best in your health, wealth and happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

We Got The Ball Spinning

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

In the Chinese art of Feng Shui, it is important
to have movement in your home and office. If there
is no movement, there is stagnation of Qi and that
could account for slow business or a lag in your
energy. That’s why, they claim they it is
important to live near a river or a body of moving
water. I often choose those kinds of places to
live. It’s also nice to have a pet in the house or
lots of wild life in your neighborhood. In my
office, I don’t have a river or a pet and we are
at least a mile or two from the ocean. To
counteract this and get movement in my treatment
room, I have one of those Japanese good luck cats
whose arm moves up and down, giving the room a
constant movement. If you aren’t for sure what a
Japanese good luck cat is, it’s the paw-waving
kitties you see in Asian stores. It’s a talisman
that is believed to attract good luck and fortune
for its owners.

Here’s how the story goes…

There was a wealthy man who took shelter from a
rainstorm under a tree next to a temple. He
noticed a cat that seemed to be beckoning to him,
so, he followed it inside the temple. Shortly
thereafter, lightning struck the tree he had been
standing under. Because the cat had saved his
life, the man was so very grateful, he became a
benefactor of the temple and brought it much
prosperity. When he passed away, a statue of the
cat was made in his honor.

Another way to get movement in your home or office
is to get a fountain or something with flowing
water. We have a fountain with a spinning ball in
the office that is visible to everyone as soon as
you walk in the door. The movement of the water
keeps a constant flow of positive energy

Qi flow is important in the human body to keep you
healthy, young, and pain-free. If there is a
blockage of Qi, you are asking for some kind of
dis-ease, and that’s a guarantee. If you were
wondering why Qi flow is so important to your
overall health, your blood follows Qi. That’s why,
Qi Gong exercises are so important to your health
and longevity. These exercises, called internal
exercises, get your internal rivers flowing. They
are far different than going to the gym as they
will keep you disease-free and young for years.

I have two great programs. If you are just getting
started, pick up a copy of Flying Crane Qi Gong
It’s a series of 5 different sets plus the
“Automatic Move” where the natural Qi will flow
through every part of your body and unlock any
blockages you may have. The other program,
Recharging Qi Gong,
is for the more advanced student. This series of
exercises will open Qi flow, heal your internal
organs and keep you younger in body, mind and

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. No matter which program you choose, once you
start on this path of longevity, your entire life
will change forever.

We’ve Got A Problem!

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

Here it is Martin Luther King’s day. Dr. King
fought for freedom and equality to make this
planet a better place. And yet, today, when people
get pissed that things aren’t going their way,
they break a window and steal a flat screen
television. Really, folks? Does that make any
sense? Not to me. Or, you’re walking down the
street, and a cop says,Stop or I’ll shoot!, and
you run. Hello? This cop probably has fewer brains
than you, he’s nervous, got a gun, and is afraid,
so, he pulls the trigger early. Probably does the
same thing in his sex life.

I don’t really like rules especially if they are
rules to cramp my freedom. I’ve lived in Venezuela
for a few years and there weren’t many rules. The
only problem was nothing functions. It was a mess.
People were running red lights, throwing garbage
all over the streets and not caring much for
others. That’s what they called freedom, to do
whatever they wanted whenever they wanted to do
it. And, before they knew it, someone came in and
stole their whole country. In the United States,
we have law and order. It has a lot of rules but
it’s a much safer place to live. And, if you
follow most of the rules, nobody really messes
with you.

I’ve been a rebel all of my life and practiced
things like yoga, Qi Gong, acupuncture,
meditation, health diets, tantric sex, and even
the martial arts. I never really had a job. I’ve
always worked for myself. This may sound unusual
to you but I did it my way. Like Frank Sinatra
said many years ago,I’ve lived a life that’s
full, I traveled each and every highway, and more,
much more than this, I did it my way That
doesn’imagest mean you break laws but, rather, you use
the laws to your advantage.

Every month, I take the time to make a DVD or a CD
for a special group of people who belong to Qi
Gong Inner Circle. We touched on diet, internal
exercises, meditations, sexual practices, the
study of spirit, how to protect ourselves from
evil entities, and how to increase our finances.
Most in the group has been studying with me since
2007. It is my pleasure to share this work with as
many people as I can. If you want to learn the
real deal, join me and become a member of the Qi
Gong Inner Circle today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Stay Healthy All Year Round

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

Today is the first Friday of 2015 and my first
blog of the year. I hope all of you had a
wonderful start of the year. I can’t remember
having a New Year’s Day on a Thursday. So, it’s
been a long, long weekend — Thursday thru Sunday.
This gave us time to recover from the holidays,
make our resolutions and set our goals for the New
Year. This year, I will be giving you some very
exciting information on your health, wealth and
happiness. Look out for some new products in the
next few months.

We’re now moving rapidly into the cold and flu
season. Let me give you my thoughts about the flu
and the flu shot. We all start eating more than
what we need around Thanksgiving time, stuffing
turkey and all the trimmings. When we’re totally
filled to the gills, someone says,”You want a
piece of pumpkin pie?” And you say, “Just a little
slice.” “Do you want cream on it?” And what do you
say? “But, of course!” Then, there are all the
office parties, Christmas cookies, ham and goose,
and eggnog. After that, New Year’s is here and we
continue eating, drinking and overindulging.
Before you know it, the body is filled up with
more junk than it could possibly hold. Around
January 15th and maybe even up to Valentine’s Day,
all that excess food and drink cause the body to
do its natural thing — detox. Every orifice in the
body is running, dripping, oozing, and you’re not
a happy camper. Well, guess what? A shot at the
drugstore is not going to fix this. You need to be
a little more moderate in your diet, exercise
right thru the holidays, make sure that you’re
hydrated, and one of the simplest things you can
do is wash your hands. If Aunt Sally has a cold,
don’t kiss her. With some luck, you’ll get through
the flu season just fine.

One of the big factors that contributes to your
health is the amount of stress that you are
exposed to. If you handle the stress, you usually
don’t get sick. That’s why, I took the time to put
together the program, “Turn Stress Into Power”. It
gives you a series of exercises and protections to
keep you healthy physically, mentally, emotionally
and spiritually. When you’re stressed, your immune
system takes a nose dive. If your immune system is
strong, you won’t get sick. So, let’s make a New
Year’s resolution to keep our immune system strong
and turn our stresses into power. You can get the
program just by clicking here:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Have You been Naughty or Nice This Year?

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

Did you know that there is a dark side to jolly,
old St. Nick? Well, there is, and he’s known as
Krampus. Traditionally, we heard about him more in
European folklore around this time of the year. We
all know that gift-bringer who rewards good
children each year. He is that kindly old Saint
Nick, also known as, Santa Claus; that sweet, old
guy whom the Cola companies exploit around the
holidays. But, Krampus is the guy that has the
task of punishing bad children. He is the
hell-bound counterpart known by many names across
the continent — Knecht Ruprecht, Certa, Perchten,
Black Peter, Schmutzli, Pelznickel, and Klaubauf.
He looks like the classic devil with horns, cloven
hooves and monstrous tongue, but can also be
spotted as a sinister gentleman dressed in black
or a hairy beast. Krampus punishes the naughty
children, swatting them with switches and rusty
chains before dragging them, in baskets, to a
fiery place below.

How have you been this year, naughty or nice? Have
you kept up with your exercises, your meditation
and your diet? I sure hope so! Usually, the one
that beats up the worst is no other than
ourselves. We punish ourselves if we eat too much.
We punish ourselves if we don’t exercise. We are
actually the Krampus that lives inside us. Things
like self-hate and guilt keep us stuck and we keep
repeating these patterns over and over. Isn’t it
about time to make some big changes?

Christmas is here and it’s a time for good cheer.
Are you being cheerful? Or are you mad that you
put on 5 or 10 pounds? Are you exercising every
day? Or are you chanting the mantra, “I’m gonna”?
It’s high time to stop that chant dead on its
tracks. Turn over a new leaf. Let’s get on a
program that will keep you healthy and strong and
not make anything worse but rather make your life
better. I can guarantee it. The Recharging Qi Gong
is powerful and very easy to learn. It consists of
only 36 exercises and a whole bunch of support materials
to break through your old patterns. It will keep you
healthy, flexible, agile, stronger, and improve
your sexual energy.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Have a Merry Christmas!

Being in Perfect Flow

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

Being in flow or out of flow can make all the
difference in your success, your life and your
health. Imagine for a moment that you are on the
golf course. Your attention is focused on the
movements of your body, the power of your muscles,
and the force of your lungs and the feel of the
turf beneath your feet. You are living in the
moment, utterly absorbed in the present of your
game. There is no time just the now. You swing and
your ball travels high and strait and hits the
green only a few feet from the pin. You’re in the
zone and in perfect flow.

What you are experiencing in that moment is known
as Flow, a state of complete immersion in an
activity. “Being completely involved in an
activity for its own sake. The ego falls away,
every action, movement, and thought follows
inevitably from the previous one, like dancing on
a cloud. Your whole being is involved, and you’re
using your skills to the utmost.
How can we get in this state and stay there? How
can you focus your body and mind to be in that
state of images?
It has be documented that the practice of Qi Gong
can relax, open and change your outlook of life.
The Recharging Qi Gong program is a specific set
of exercises to put your body and mind in perfect
Flow. Check it out and flow into your life.

I Wish you the Best in your Health, wealth and happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is Breath the Key to Longevity?

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

If you take someones food away, they will starve
to death in about a month. If you take away the
water, they will only last a week at the most.
But, if there is no oxygen, you are lucky if you
last for a few minutes.

Breath is the key to longevity and the key to
longevity is practice. All the Masters and real
Yogis put a lot of attention on the breath in
yoga, just like in Pranayama exercises. The
breathing exercises in Qi Gong are based on Taoist
breathing methods that focus on returning the way
we breathe to what is in harmony with nature.
These methods focus on creating a circular breath
and can be practiced sitting or while doing any of
the Energy Arts Qigong exercise sets and all the
sexual magic is based on the breath and the
ability to control the breath.

When I was a child, my parents had a swimming pool
in the backyard and one of the games we played was
to see how many laps we could swim underwater
holding our breath. At first, I could only do one
length but, by the end of the summer, I got up to
3 or 4 lengths holding my breath. Little did I
know at the time but I was increasing my lung
capacity playing that game. To this day, every
time I am in a swimming pool, I dive down to the
bottom and swim underwater as many lengths as I
can to build up my lungs.

When you hold your breath underwater for a long
time, you have to use the muscles of the diaphragm
when you breathe to get the oxygen into that lower
part of the lungs. This type of breathing allows
you to lower your heart rate and reduce the carbon
dioxide levels of the body. This will eventually
fill every possible space with air and you will be
able to hold your breath for a long, long time.

When we practice Qi Gong regularly, you build your
breathing capacity, strengthen the lungs and
eliminate sadness and grief out of your life. Pick
up a copy of the Recharging Qi Gong program today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

May the Force be with You

Thursday, August 21st, 2014

Everyday, I go through more and more papers and
Im finding treasures. Here’s a prayer that will
help you grow spiritually and open up to the
I rejoice in the good fortune of others.
I have gratitude for the opportunity to grow.
Thank you for the privilege to be me.
I forgive others and myself and pivot my being
bringing myself back on course to keep creating
what I want for my highest growth.
I will re-invoke my highest nature to inspire
myself to be all I can be.
Please give me the help to open, to listen, and
to be alive.

I literally have filing cabinets filled with 30
years of notes from workshops and seminars that
I’ve attended. I hope to share many of these
precious thoughts with you over the next year. The
programs that I offer you are the UnknownUnknown
distilled down eliminating all of the impurities
and giving you the pure essence to guide your way

The Recharging Qi Gong program
will give you more energy, more power and more
flexibility than you would ever imagine. Order
today and become younger tomorrow.

I wish you the best for your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. I’ve added 2 new free DVDs to the Recharging
Qi Gong program
This is a rare opportunity to grow beyond your
wildest dreams.

Dr. Wu Dhi

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