Archive for the ‘Nei Gong’ Category

How healing really happens

Friday, July 27th, 2007

This last week I was witness to a miraculous healing of a
woman in my care. In only 3 days a woman healed herself of
Shingles with an only little coaching from me and a few
Medical Qi Gong treatments.

The key to her healing was, in my opinion, one very special
exercise that I teach, the Tension Release Exercise.

This exercise is so important, in my view, that I included
it in my free report “Using Stress as an Ally.” (The free
report is part of the Recharging Qi Gong package available
at )

For those of you don’t know Shingles is a very painful
version of Chicken Pox that affects the elderly and people
with weakened immune systems.

This virus is with most of us all the time but is
normally suppressed by a healthy immune system.

When we become stressed out, bummed out, and burned out
our immune systems are weakened as they have to deal with
all the negative effects that stress has on the body.

That’s why it’s important to do something every day to
FLUSH the tension from our bodies.

Using the Meditation and Qi Gong that I prescribe you tap
into a higher source of vital energy and bring that down
into the body and WHOOSH flush the negative tensions and
stagnant energy from the body.

My patient that was able to get rid of the Shingles after
3 days learned this exercise from me, practiced it, and cut
the root of the illness by freeing up the underlying
tensions in her body that kept her immune system from doing
its job.

When my student and nephew inquired about how I had “Cured”
this patient I told him that this was a miraculous healing
and I couldn’t possibly have done it on my own.

The truth is that all healing happens this way, from inside
the patient out. Healing doesn’t happen from the outside in.
We can only open ourselves to that point where the energy
raises and the natural power deep inside us flows out like
a bubbling spring.

That flow is what’s important to us in Qi Gong.

It’s our source of power, not just in healing but in
any creative endeavor.

I hope that you will join us in discovering how easy it is
to unlock this force within you.

If you already have the Recharging Qi Gong check out the
exercise I give in the free report “Using Stress as an Ally
and give it a try. It’s such an important exercise that we
are considering doing a whole program on these types of

If you haven’t gotten the program yet and don’t have the
exercise you can still benefit by taking a minimum of five
minutes alone every day to examine your internal state,
recognize any tensions you may have and consciously release

This does wonders for all of us to at least acknowledge
where the blocks are in our energy. Just recognizing the
source of any tension or stress starts to unwind it.

If you want to speed up the process and completely flush
all tensions I recommend practicing the Tension Release
for a minimum of 5 minutes every night before

Do it for seven days in a row and you will notice that you
start sleeping better too.

In case you don’t know where to get it go to right now, its only
available as a gift with the complete Recharging Qi Gong

Wishing you Health, Wealth, and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi,

PS: Its great hearing from all of you and the progress
you’re making keep those emails coming.

PPS: Remember if you’re in the Miami area and you are a
proud owner of the Recharging Qi Gong you’re automatically
in the Qi Gong on the Beach club. Email me if you want to
come and I will send you the time and place. Come on down
we’ve been having great fun.

Why I’ve been silent

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

No I haven’t taken a vow of silence or been in a high mountain retreat, I’ve been working my tail off for you.

In addition to finalizing a Doctoral Program for my fellow Medical Qi Gong Masters and Practioners I’ve been shipping the Recharging Qi Gong to all of you who purchased the special prepublication offer.

A couple of weeks ago I was having the time of my life. I was up late wrapping the goodies and getting ready to send out the first batch of Recharging Qi Gong programs.

They came back from the printer and they look great, the CDs, the DVDs, the Manual and even the Free report. I was very proud.

I couldn’t wait for the production house to finish shrink wrapping the product so I stayed up late and did it myself and added a little Qi to the package.

I wrapped up the big package for each of my sons and my nephew. I wrapped it up for my good friends and students and then I wrapped one up for you.



If you haven’t gotten your’s yet, you can by going here ->

My goodness! It was a lot of fun. I felt like Santa.

And let me tell you, this program is like magic now that it’s here and being shipped.

Here’s what people are saying about the Recharging Qi Gong.

<<<>>> Rave Reviews for Recharging Qi Gong <<<>>>
Listen to what people are saying:

“Am going through all your material… and this stuff is AWESOME! The exercises you dropped in are fabulous.”


“I just got your package in the afternoon mail.  Wow, what a bundle of information!  CDs, DVDs and more.  I quickly went through the manual.  I like your attention to detail with the exercise descriptions.  Very impressive.
I look forward to learning from the DVDs and CDs and applying these exercises to my daily life.”


“I just received your package yesterday and I opened it this afternoon AND I am so thrilled for 2 reasons:  1)  I am happy for you and am glad that your professional package is “out there” for a new beginning for you.  Super!  I couldn’t be happier for you.  2)  I am happy for me because I am anxious to do every exercise you show me.”

<<<>>> And there’s more where that came from <<<>>>

The prepublication offer will be ending this week as soon as my nephew, just back from his studies in China, has a chance to update the website.

So if you haven’t ordered the Recharging Qi Gong yet now’s the time!

Go to and get yours today.

But do it soon, I have no idea how long this offer will be on the table.

I will be getting back up on my daily tips this week so stay tuned!

Wishing you Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi

why Wealth is Health

Monday, June 25th, 2007

It was a cold day last winter when I spoke to Jose about his situation and his health condition. Both were not doing so well.

He was a friend but down and out, always complaining that he didn’t have enough money to pay his bills or get what he needed for his family.

He always had to depend on others generosity to get what he needed and wanted in life.

Sometimes he even used God as an excuse for why he didn’t have health, happiness or prosperity in his life.

Other times he would boast, “I could have all the money in the world, if I really wanted, simply by directing my attention to making money”, yet he was always known as ‘Buck Low’ to his friends.

He would say. “I have turned down millions of dollars from people in the past” as if that said anything positive about his personality.

Still he lived in a semi poverty existence.

One day he said to me “your the only physician who wishes his patients not only health but also wealth. Why would you do such a thing? You’re my doctor not my accountant.”

“More ill health is caused by poverty and worrying about your money than anything else I can think of.” I told him.

It’s as much true here in the US as it is in the most impoverished nations on earth.

In fact most of my patients with back problems always have an underlying money problem as well. They feel like some one is stabbing them in the back.

Well let me tell you, when they say your health is your wealth they are not kidding.

When I was a kid my father would say “Son if you don’t have your health you don’t have anything.”

I didn’t have a clue as a kid what he was talking about. But I sure do today.

That’s why I encourage all of my patients to be both healthy AND wealthy. The two are connected.

Recognizing connections is one of the underlying principles of Qi Gong and Qigong Medicine.

The same is true of the Recharging Qi Gong exercises I teach.

Can you get both healthier and wealthier while you workout on the beach?

I certainly think so.

If you don’t yet understand this you need to examine a little more closely those connections between your body, mind, and success.

Sometimes it can take thirty or forty years to find all the connections, as is the case with my friend Jose, other times it just takes looking at things another way or trying something different.

I can recommend no better way to do this than to start practicing the Recharging Qi Gong every day.

When you understand this you will understand how a peaceful workout can change your own consciousness from one that repels success, money, and love to one that attracts all of these wonderful things.

It may sound a little over the top but it’s really not.

It’s simple.

Find out how at

Wishing you, as always, Health, WEALTH and happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi
