Qi gong, Qi Gong Inner Circle

How to Make Your Dreams Come True

The other night, I dreamt that I was underwater
and yet could breathe perfectly without any
equipment of any kind. I was watching a school
of fish swimming in a very large circle and then
suddenly I woke up. It was 4:30 in the morning.
Everything was very quiet and dark. I got out of
bed, washed my face and sat down to do my morning
meditation. I must have been sitting for over an
hour because when I returned to an awaken state of
consciousness, it was daybreak. The birds were
singing and it was just starting to get light. I
got dressed and headed down to the beach for my
morning workout. As I crossed the little bridge to
get to the ocean, I looked down into the water,
and there was a large school of fish swimming in a
circle, just like in my dream. It was a déjà vu.

Our dreams have many interpretations. There is no
limit to what we can learn from our dreams, and
many cultures highly regard the use of dream to
guide them. In fact, dream-inspired art,
inventions, and spiritual guidance are endless.
Shamans have been using dreams for thousands of
years to guide them and many inspired artists,
inventors, and spiritual leaders use dreams to
guide them to success. In the Asian cultures, fish
represents wealth and prosperity. I also looked up
the dream interpretation for fish and it said
this: “Fish swimming tends to represent insights
from your unconscious mind especially when
associated with the ocean.” I took it as a good
sign. Our lives are made up of different maps on
the path, letting us know where to go, where to
put our energy on and what to avoid. The more open
you are to these signs, the more you will be
guided to what is best for you.

In the Qi Gong Inner Circle, I share many of these
techniques with the members. Every month, I’ll
send out a specific teaching to them that will
open up to new part of life and inner growth. I
encourage you to join us

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Save the date! June 11, 2014, Wednesday,
8:30 PM EST for Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson’s FREE
conference call on the Daoist Magic and Medical
Qi Gong Workshops. Dial 605-475-3200 and use
the access code, 952067 plus #, and announce
yourself and you will be on the conference.


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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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