practice, Wealth is Health

Become a Money Magnet

“The economy is bad, I don’t have enough
 (time, money or energy).”
At least once a week I hear this from a patient,
customer, student or friend,

Some one is complaining about their situation and
it’s usually around finances.

That type of person is coming from a space of not enough
or never Enuff their life.

Their general outlook on life is the LACK of something.
It can be money, energy or time, but they always seem
 to be missing something..

If you can relate to this or you live in that mindset,
you can jump out
of this rut and change your life right now.

Let me tell you about a practice that will allow
you to have all you want when you want it.

Would you like to have a Money Magnet?

You may be asking yourself right now,

What the heck is money magnet?
How do I get one?
Do they really work?

A money magnet can be your savings account,
which you just make deposits in, it never gets
touched except for investments.
It’s there for one purpose and one purpose alone. To draw more riches to you
just like a magnet attracts metal . your money magnet will attract more
wealth to you.
It can be gold coins, silver, jewelry, a valuable piece
of art or any thing of value that represents wealth,
that you would never sell or trade.

 “Money attracts money “

Lets face it, would you let someone who is struggling
to keep their head above water manage your money?

Of course you wouldn’t.

If you are going to trust someone with your hard
earned cash,most likely they would know how to
handle money and have acquired wealth.
When you have wealth you have abundance,
more than enough
Much more than enuff then you naturally acquire money
magnets. You have them in the bank, in your house and all around you.
My Dad always kept his money in a money clip that was gold and had
an American $20 gold coin on it. that was a money magnet.

The are many different kinds of money magnets:
 Gold Coins, Diamonds, Gold jewelry etc.
I have a large glass vase that’s 3” feet high
and is filled with coins every night I put
all my change in it and it’s just about filled,
I can see the money growing.

Create your Money Magnet today

The purpose is to draw more wealth into my life.
A friend gave me a rock that he picked up from the
driveway of a guy who is an owner of major football
teams. The owner is a billionaire and I have a
piece of the rock. Thats another Money Magnet.

All my money magnets represent prosperity and act
to draw more wealth to my family and me on an
exegetic level.


The money magnet is used to attract more wealth
and if you are using the power of visualization
in combination you will attract wealth and
abundance into your life.

Once you understanding the law of
attraction there will never be a lack or
limitation of anything in your universe.

One very effective way to start this flow
of attraction and wealth in your life is to use
the power of visualization.
See what you want in your minds eye.

You already know what you don’t want
and remember this; what ever you think
about the most is what you will get.

Ready to make some changes?

Do this exercise twice a day for 90 days
and you can change your financial picture forever.

The first thing when you wake up and
just before you go to sleep. Close your eyes
and see yourself Wealth.Visualize having
unlimited resources.

Once you begin seeing yourself as already being
a wealthy,the real power of attraction springs into
action on your behalf,producing wealth in your life.

The most important point about attracting
money into your life is this:

Be convinced
that you have plenty of money.

See yourself as having total
abundance of all things

Seeing is Believing.

The key is in the “Seeing”
once you see
yourself as wealthy you will be wealthy
and you will attract more money and riches.

Open that bank account today,
get those gold coin, that special piece
of art, fill up your piggy bank
and keep it as a magnet to
draw more wealth into your life.

• Be grateful for all goodness in your life.
 Your health, your family, your home, friends,
 the teachings you receive.

The law of attraction assures us that whatever
we put out into the world will come back to you.

There is no exception to the law of prosperity
they always work;

The best and quickest way to change your
mind is change what you are doing with your
body and the best way to change
that is start doing the Recharging Qi Gong Program.

Make the changes Now and order at

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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