Karma, longevity

Changing Your Karmic Address

Every year around this time, Margaret seems to invoke
 some tragedy into her life. In fact the usual litany
seems to never stop – a car crash, getting punched
 in the nose, losing a job and some things too bad
 to even mention.   Now she even expects some
 thing to disrupt her life every year a few weeks
 before her birthday.  Oddly, people, in general,
do this a lot.
I have a patient that gets the flu every February
 like clock work and she knows she is going to
 get it for sure. She just believes its Flu Season
 and takes no responsibility for it at all.
 I worked with her and what came up was
that she seemed to go off of her diet around
Thanksgiving.  Consuming copious amounts
of food, the traditional American Holiday
 dinner where you stuff yourself to the max.
 When you’re totally full, and can’t eat another
 bite, someone asks if you’re going to have a
 piece of pie. Of course, you say ‘just a little one’
 and then they add ‘with cream on top?’
 I never heard anyone refuse.
Does it stop there? 
The Holiday Season is where people graze from
 house to house; party to party; eating and
drinking all the way up to January.
It all slows down around January 15th when
 they take the last bite of fruit cake and polish
 off the whiskey and eggnog night-cap.
After that the time-bomb starts ticking.
Then you’ll hear the usual whiners,
“I need to lose weight, get back to the
 gym and change my diet.”  Shortly after that,
comes a silent tornado.   They get the flu.
 Every orifice in their bodies seems to purge
 the last few months of over-eating, over-drinking

 and filling their gullets with the worst food
combinations possible.
They claim that this is the season they always get sick. 
Well wake up and smell the roses. 
Who do you think you’re fooling? 
You have been over-doing everything and this is the
body’s way of detoxing.  Me?  I prefer a much
healthier detox program.
But let’s get back to Margaret, who you think is
 responsible for her seasonal Henny Penny the
sky is falling life?  She may be the one who is
pulling in the crap every year and blaming it on
 the season.  It may be the fear aging or the
 disappointment of not having a party, presents
or loved ones around.  It could be a multitude
of things. But who cares?  Except poor little Margaret.
The important thing is, if you really want to make a
change in your life YOU CAN! But you need to step
 up to the plate and hit the F–ken ball outta’ the park.
Avoid being a “Margaret.”  Avoid being a victim.
How do you do that? How do you change your
Karmic address?
A good start is by training daily.
A strong body creates a strong mind.

But it’s not the kind of training you can get at the gym.
You need highly-specialized training and coaching.

That’s what Dr. Wu’s programs are all about- helping
 you change your karmic address to a better one.
Step up to the plate and HIT the Ball the Hell
out of the park. .

Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness!
Dr .Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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