
Getting What you Want and Deserve

Getting What you Want and Deserve

Now that we are in the Chinese year of the Earth
Dog most of us will all be looking for ways to
bring in more groundedness and stability into our
lives. After last years scrambled-up year of the
fire rooster we all are in need of more stability
and the loyal dog can do that.
Every day I have patients coming into the clinic
telling me that they need something to stabilize
them, they are either stressed to the max or feel
over worked in one way or another.
I believe work is the universes way of bring you
down to earth again. If you have a lot of work you
can’t be floating around or spacing out. You have
to be on it and be responsible; this will
definitely keep you from spacing out.

“The reward for good work is, more work”

“A study has linked unemployment with premature
ageing. It is thought that the financial and
emotional stress of being jobless makes its mark
on the body’s DNA.
The scientists made the link by studying blood
samples and unemployment records of more than
5,500 men and women aged 31
Researchers from Imperial College London have
linked unemployment with premature ageing in men.
The blood was used to zero in on and measure tiny
structures called telomeres.
These are biological caps, which are found at the
ends of chromosomes and protect the DNA in them
from damage, much like the caps on the ends of
shoelaces prevent fraying.
As we get older, our telomeres get shorter and
shorter, leading to DNA becoming damaged and
raising the odds of age-related illnesses such as
Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease.”
-By Fiona Macrae

If you find that you are over worked, don’t have
enough work or you just can’t decide what work you
should be doing it is time for you to stabilize
your internal programing.

The Chinese have an ancient system that is based
on mathematical formulas, called the Magic Square
by following these technique you will be able to
address every aspect of your life and reveal to
yourself what’s missing and what needs to be put
back in place to have what you want for your
ultimate success.
The Magic Square program will lead you through a
step be stem process to you to where you want to


Get going to where you want to be now and get a
copy of the Magic Square program


I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


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