Anti-aging, energy, Qi gong

Is this The End of the World?

hey say it started on my birthday 12/12/12.
It was an Awesome Day for me !
12-12-12 stimulated lovebirds, counting on the date to be
ever lasting. 12+12+12=36

Symbolism of #9
*Number of the patience, the meditation.
*It is the expression of “the power of the Holy Spirit”.
*Symbolize the plenitude of talents, the reward of the tests.
*Symbol of the creation and the life as a rhythm and development.
*As a product of 3 x 3, is perfection, the symbol of the virile power
*Nine = the one who accomplishes the divine will.
*The eternal number of human immortality.
*Being the last simple number, it is the number of finalization
*This number is sacred in Egypt and in Greece.
*Number of the man, as a numeral symbol of his gestation
*Number symbolizing the nocturnal and terrestrial things
*Number of the hierarchy, represented by nine choruses of the Angels.
*Represent the three divine manifestations in the three plans
*A fortunate number, associate to the eternity.

For me it means a completion and great year.
No mater how you look at it, as Bob Dylan once said

“Things are a Changing”.

The Dooms day crowd say the 21 of December is the END
and it could be really ugly like what happen in Newton Mass
or amazingly wonderful.

The best any of us can do is to be present, calm,
conscious, strong and elevated.
The most effective and time-tested way to achieve such a
state is through Meditation and Qi Gong.
History tells us that Qi Gong and Meditation really works
to calm us down and increase our energy at the same time.

Yogis have been practicing for thousands of years.
Current scientific studies show the amazing,
proven effects of meditation to recover from disease and
increase the quality of our lives.

Since the holidays are known as a time of high stress,
I put together program two programs
Turn Stress into Power
The Internal Mantra Program
that will carry you through the holidays with ease.

Take care of yourself, manage your stress and be radiantly bright.
NOW is the time, more than ever to rev up your personal practice
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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