Acupuncture, Ancestry, Anti-aging, Balance, Chinese Medicine

Reprogram Old Patterns To Heal From Depression.

Mary came into my office today complaining of Depression, Anxiety and Loneliness.

She has been living in the Midwest for the last 35 years, and is now retired from her job as a public servant.

She has a nice pension and just sold her house, so she is secure financially, well educated, but is Depressed.

The current situations we are dealing with aren’t helping! The Virus and Election Drama, plus most of the world is on hold with no real solutions in sight!
I asked her the usual intake questions, “How is your Energy?” “Do you Sleep Well?” “Is your Appetite normal?” “How are your moods and stress levels?”
That’s when she started to weep, and said that her life has fallen apart.

I have nothing to do, no one to share my life with; and I am miserable!”

I moved to Florida in hopes of getting rid of stress and depression, and now I feel worst that I did before!

On my desk at home, I have this picture that says,  “Wherever you go, There you are.”

We bring our baggages and closet skeletons, with us wherever we go. If you are willing to let that stuff go; I can help you to Reprogram old patterns that you hold in your Body and Mind.

The Body has what’s called Muscle Memory; and every Trauma is recorded and held in our Muscles until we can Reprogram and Release them.

I specialize in this kind of work! For the past 35 years, I have helped thousands of people to release past Emotional Traumas that has kept them stuck. It affects our Health; Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. Until they are released, we tend to age Prematurely and suffer needlessly!

If you are willing to Step Forward and leave your emotional baggage behind give us a call at 305-407-0120 and schedule a Consultation today.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth & Happiness!
Dr. Wu Dhi   

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ.


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