Acupuncture, Ancestry, Anti-aging, Balance, Ceremony, Chinese Medicine, Cupping, Detox, Energy Gems, Energy work

Most Popular Treatments in The Office.

This past year, the most Popular Treatments in the Clinic have been Medical Qi Gong, Acupuncture with Ozone Therapy and Magnet Therapy!

1.  Medical Qi Gong

Is one of the oldest branches of Chinese Medicine, predating acupuncture by thousands of years: Known as “Chinese Energetic Medicine”. The primary goal is to:

       Purge toxic emotions from within the body’s tissues

       Eliminate energetic stagnations

       Enhance the immune system

       Encourage the natural development of spiritual awakening

Qigong is a combination of two ideas. “Qi” (pronounced chee) means air, a breath of life, or vital energy that flows through all things in the Universe.
“Gong” (pronounced gung, as in lung) means the skill of working with, or cultivating, self-discipline and achievement.

Together, Qigong means the skill of cultivating vital energy, or the ability to work with the electromagnetic energy of the body.

Qigong is a mind-body practice that improves one’s mental and physical health by integrating postures, movement, breathing techniques, and focused intention.

As it strengthens and balances the internal organs and energetic fields. Medical Qi Gong restores the proper energy flow as it re-educates the body/ mind through- touch, movement, breath work, sound therapy, intention and visualization to access option health, power and longevity.

In treatment, I draw upon my ability to sense and manipulate energy developed through training, dedicated study, and self-cultivation. I use Qi emission; that’s when the doctor has an abundance of Qi energy and is able to project that energy into a patient to change the flow of energy in them) and Medical Qigong exercises, as well as meditations based upon a differential diagnosis rooted in Chinese medical theory to restore health and wellness.

Some of the conditions treated include:
*   Cancer (all types)

*   Cardiovascular disorders (chest pain, hypertension, high cholesterol, Chronic and post-operative pain Gastrointestinal disorders (Irritable bowel, acid reflux, constipation)

*   Orthopedic disorders (sprains, strains, sports injuries, broken bones)

*   Emotional disorders (depression, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, and all disturbances of the body, mind, and spirit)

Medical Qi Gong is based on the Chinese Medical principle that all disease is based on energetic patterns. Therefore, it can be used to assist in treating any disease process by adjusting, balancing, and restoring proper energetic functioning to the body.

The treatment disrupts the blueprint of the disease so it no longer replicates in the physical body. I have treated hundreds of patients with very good results The patients are now back to their normal life with no adverse side effects.

When Life Force energy is properly cultivated in the body we are able to remain in good health- Physically, Mentally and Emotionally as well as Spiritually!
Ozone Therapy:

We use Ozone to treat various medical conditions. It was first developed in Germany in the early 1950’s. Today Medical Ozone Therapy is common throughout Europe, and it’s use has gradually been spreading in America over the last 25 years.
Oxygen is O2 while Ozone is O3. The addition of the third oxygen atom makes it “supercharged” oxygen, and gives it all of its remarkable medical properties. Pure medical grade ozone, when used in accordance with established medical guidelines, has an unparalleled safety record.

Five properties account for why Ozone works very well:

  • 1. Ozone is a potent regulator of the immune system. When the immune system is overactive, as in autoimmune disease, ozone calms it down. Conversely, Ozone will stimulate an under-active Immune System, as in cancer and chronic infections.

  • 2. Ozone causes increased uptake of oxygen. Ozone enables the release of oxygen from the hemoglobin molecule so that it can be taken up into the cells.

  • 3. Ozone improves circulation. It enhances the flow characteristics of blood and enables more of the oxygen carrying hemoglobin to reach the capillaries.

  • 4. Ozone increases antioxidant production. It does this more than any other therapy, including Vitamin C.

  • 5. Ozone is a powerful mitochondrial stimulant. The fundamental underlying cause behind all degenerative disease, from diabetes to heart disease to cancer, is decreased mitochondrial energy production. Ozone reverses this effect. (Mitochondria convert the energy of food and oxygen to power your body’s cells. 

We Offer you Several Ozone Therapy Modalities:

Ozone Trigger Point Injections:

The Ozone  is a mixture of homeopathic anti-inflammatory agents and oxygen rich ozone, which is injected into the acupuncture points surrounding the joints and affected tissue. These injections, which reduce inflammation and swelling, increase circulation and regenerate cartilage, are excellent for:

·       Degenerative arthritic joints

·       Chronic neck and back pain

·       Rotator cuff injuries

·       All forms of musculoskeletal joint pain

·       Degenerative hips, knees and discs

·       Shoulder, elbow and ankle pain

·       Heel spurs

·       Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Ozone Injections:

 There is a 75% chance that chronic pain sufferers will become pain-free with only a few injections and may provide a permanent solution to your chronic pain.

Ozone Insufflation:

Ozone gas is applied directly to the colon and absorbed through the intestinal walls. This is highly effective in treating:

·       Prostatitis

·       Bowel disease

·       Chronic infections

·       Autoimmune diseases

·       Promotes weight loss

·       Increases energy


Ear & Nasal Cannula:

Ozone is applied through a nasal cannula for the sinus and a stethoscope style application for the ears. Highly effective in treating:

·       Ear & sinus infections

·       Colds and flu’s

·       Fungal growth

Magnetic therapy:

The therapeutic use of magnetic fields is probably the oldest form of physical therapy. It is already recognized and used as a biological effect of magnetic fields. The writings of famous physicians such as Hippocrates, Hildegard of Bingen and Paracelsus confirm the use of magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes.
The Magnetic field therapy Ring” is a non-invasive painless treatment that takes 20 minutes each treatment and can be repeated 3 or 4 times a week for maximum results, although patients report relief after only one treatment.
It has been most effective for any pain or inflammation after dental work, any broken, fractured bone, sprains and minor pains and inflammation.
This therapy is used daily at Dr. Rau’s Paracelsus clinic in Switzerland and in similar clinics all through Europe with great results. You simply lie down or sit in a chair and the high power magnet is turned on. You will hardly feel anything at all and your body is gently stimulated. I have successfully treated hundreds of patients using this therapy with enormous results. 
Magnetic field therapy is a physical therapy, in which broad pulsating magnetic fields of extremely low frequency are made usable for therapeutic purposes. An organism can be affected bio-energetically by a broad pulsating magnetic field of a certain frequency and intensity. These magnetic fields penetrate the body – thus also, each cell – completely. The ions existing in the cells, which are well known to be magnetically influential, are moved in the frequency of the magnetic field pulsation that is flowing through them and so affect the metabolism positively. This leads to improved oxygenation of the cells and thus to improved cell metabolism.


·       Rheumatism and arthritis

·       Sports injuries such as bruises, sprains, torn muscles, and ligaments, tennis elbow

·       Wounds and fractures 

·       Headaches and migraine

·       Heat and circulation illnesses, blood saturation disturbances

·       Metabolic illnesses

·       Neuralgias

·       Bronchitis and inflammations of the nasal cavities

·       Tumor illnesses

·       Subsequent treatment after operations and tooth extractions, for improves, wound healing.

 The magnetic field therapy completely penetrated the body’s tissues and has a strong effect at all levels. The pulsating magnetic fields work thus not only on the tissues at the surface but penetrate the entire organism and bone, as well as all organs and cells.
The High-Energy Magnetic field therapy Ring Solenoid-Coils is the one we use in our office:

·       Intensive cellular stimulation

·       Bone healing

·       Changes in inflammation

·       Increased blood circulation

 These wonderful healing techniques are used all over Europe and Asia with some amazing results.

 We offer all of these treatments and more! Make this coming year a year of Health and Wellbeing!

Call our office and make an appointment to get Younger and Healthier.  305-407-0120.


I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sherwood (Woody) Swartz AP, MMQ

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