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Liver Flush

Every year at this time we have a shift in the Seasons and we’ve just make the Transformation into Spring!

The most Active and Voluminous Organ in the Body is the Liver and the Emotion associated with it is Anger. It has many functions, such as filtering toxins, redistributing nutrients and producing digestive enzymes. All of these functions make it a vital organ connected to the whole body.     

With the Anger associated with the liver; if it’s not balanced, People tend to fly off the handle and some even growl at their mates! I’ve experienced it, they put their teeth together, wrinkle up their brow and send the strangest vibes out into the atmosphere that I’ve ever seen or felt!

That behavior usually comes from a congested liver and gall bladder; but not to worry, there is still hope!

 The Liver Flush can save both you and your mate many hours of strange animal behavior.   

I’ve done this program many times just to keep my liver and gallbladder in good shape. Don’t wait until you get a painful gallstone. People think that gallstones are only formed in the gallbladder. Well guess what? That’s not true. They’re actually formed in the Liver, only a few in the gallbladder. If you visit your doctor he can give you medicines to dissolve the stones or worst; remove your gallbladder. I don’t suggest this at all!

We need to take responsibility for our own health and not run to doctors with every ache and pain.

 I do visit doctors myself, but solely for diagnosis not treatment. During the years, I’ve been practicing Alternative Medicine. I’ve seen hundreds of cases that can be taken care of at home. I’ve found that both the liver and gallbladder are involved in most  types of disease. The liver is the main organ for cleansing the body of Toxic Waste. Keeping your liver healthy is paramount in remaining healthy.
Here is what you’ll need:

·        Fenugreek seeds for tea

·        Organic cold pressed olive oil 2 large tablespoons

·        Grapefruit juice 1 cup

·        Organic lemon ¼ cups

·        Fresh organic garlic 1 piece 

·        Blender

Take one cup of grapefruit juice, ¼ lemon juice and 1 piece of garlic, blend well and drink.

The taste may be a little unusual,  but after a few times it will be enjoyable.
Boil ¼ cup of Fenugreek seeds for 10 minutes, then strain and drink 2 cups.
This will help break down the stones, and prevent them from forming. Please do this on an empty stomach preferably in the morning upon rising.
Good Luck!

I wish you the Best in your Health , Wealth and Happiness!
Dr. Wu Dhi

Note: Please consult with your doctor before trying this program; especially if you are experiencing serious pain or discomfort.


Sherwood (Woody) Swartz AP, MMQ, DOM, DMQ.

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