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Laughter Is Healing To The Soul!

I posted this Quote a few days ago, on facebook. It said, “You don’t stop laughing because you got older; you grew older because you stop laughing!”

This is the gospel truth, and I am living proof!

“When you’re smiling the whole world Smiles with you!

A great song by Louis Armstrong that I love!

When we laugh our Cells become strong and healthy. Although you are smiling on the outside, on a cellular level; everything starts to vibrate, and when the cells vibrate with Energy, they get stronger and kill off the lazy sick cells.

Some years ago A doctor named Norman Cousins cured himself from cancer, through laughter and smiling.

There isn’t a day that I don’t allow myself to Laugh out Loud! I watch Happy Movies, Stand Up Comedy Shows, Think Happy Thoughts, plus I have a Happy Place to go to!

When you are Happy and Smiling, people want to be around you, and disease and depression will flee from you! Do a “self inventory,” If you will; of yourself. Are you a sour puss, are you grouchy and complaining daily? Are you the time of person that you would want to be around? Is your spirit heavy or uplifting and light? Being that way will cause you to dry up with bitterness.

One scripture that I like a lot is Proverbs 17:22 Which says, ““A Merry Heart Doeth Good like a Medicine: but a Broken Spirit Drieth the bones!”

I laugh and joke daily and I enjoy my life to the fullest!

When you serve others you serve the community, but when you do so with a smile on your face, you will have a long, happy and prosperous life!

If you want my formula please book an appointment and I will design a Treatment Plan that will have you smiling! (305)407-0120.

All My Best!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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