Acupuncture, Ancestry, Anti-aging, Balance, Blog, Ceremony, Chinese Medicine, Detox, Diet, Energy work, Environment, European biological medicine

Do You Really Have To Age?

Have you ever felt like you are on an escalator going down? No matter what you did, it just kept going down and down…..

When New Life begins, you are on the top floor with no aches or pains.
Unless you come into this world with something from a previous life (past karma),  you are usually in good shape. As time passes, we start to go down the escalator of life. They say this is normal; But is it really?

These are the normal things that age:

1.  Muscle mass decreases.

2. Fat increases as a percentage of body weight.

3. Strength, energy and speed of the body decrease.

4. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) or metabolism slows down.

5. Aerobic capacity, the capacity to process oxygen, decreases. Red blood cells as a percentage of total blood volume (hematocrit) also decreases.

6. Body cells become resistant to insulin.

7. LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) and triglycerides increase and HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol) falls.

8. Blood pressure increases.

9. Bone mineral density decreases.

10. Density of calcium in the circulatory system increases.

11. Kidney functions decrease.

12. We lose neurons in our brain. This can lead to Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and senile dementia.

13. You get liver spots.

14. Growth Hormone secretion drops.

15. Testosterone in men and estrogen and progesterone in women drop.

16. Sexual desire drops.

17. Thyroid hormone drops.

18. Melatonin, a hormone which regulates the body clock, drops.

19. DHEA, an adrenal hormone that leads to the production of male and female sex hormones, drops.

20. Estradiol, a female hormone, increases in men.

21. Cortisol, “the Death Hormone,” increases.

22. Your good enzymes drop.

23. The thickness of skin decreases, resulting in more wrinkles.

24. Prolactin, a female hormone, increases in the body of a male, presumably depriving him of some sexual libido.

25. Water proportion in the body and in the skin drops. This results in drier skin and more wrinkles.

26. Hearing becomes impaired.

27. We lose our sense of taste.

28. Eyesight becomes poor.

29. Hair falls and loses it’s natural color.

30. Inflammation increases in the body.

31. “Deep sleep” becomes scarce and less profound.

32. Digestion becomes slower and less complete.

33. The retina of the eye becomes thinner, in many cases, detached.

34. Night vision decreases.

35. Micro-vessels in the eye pop, covering the retina, causing partial loss of vision or complete blindness.
There are most likely more things that can go wrong, but you don’t have to buy into them if you are willing to do a little work!

According to the 5 Elements Theory (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water & Wood), It is said that the Water Element brings up the emotion of Fear. Fear feeds the symptoms which puts us in the loop of death and rebirth again. The good news is that you can change that scenario, but it’s not normal. The normal is to get sick and age. In general, people aren’t paying attention. They over-eat, over-drink, fill up with sugar, soda, rich foods and say that if they can’t eat what they want, they would soon die and sure enough, they will.

DO YOU Want to get off that loop? Of course we all want to live longer and stay healthy.

Are you willing to put in just half an hour a day to live longer? If you do; you will notice the changes in less than a month!

I myself; am a living example that you can change the process of aging! Start out with this simple downloadable program, that I have created to reverse and slow down the signs of aging; and you will see the difference!

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ.


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