Anti-aging, energy, Health, longevity, Manifestation, Qi Gong Inner Circle

Is Your Medicine Killing You?


Before you take any medicine, herb, homeopathic or vitamin
You can Energize it to give you the maximum healing benefit.
This can increase your healing process by at least ten fold.
How many times have you said or heard this?
This medicine is killing me.
I hate taking this stuff;
I think this is making me sicker than I was in the first place.
If I don’t take my medicine I will die.

Well wake up!

What you are saying is just like a prayer, mantra
or a negative affirmation.
You could be putting a curse into your own body and mind
and don’t even know it.
That medicine is following your instructions to the tee,
as it goes down your tubes along with it is the negative
program that you are also swollen.

You can change all of that by just taking charge
and telling your medicine where to go and what to do.

In the Buddhist doctrines it is states the importance of
the purification of the body, speech, and mind.

Our speech to others, and especially what we are saying
to our self’s is a key to your health.

Back in the eighties, I was a personal trainer and consultant
for an internationally known subliminal tape company,
Midwest Research of Michigan, producers of self help
Programs and tapes.
I am always looking for techniques and products to assist
my clients and patients in making positive changes.
Most motivational speakers and books tell us that we create
our life with our thoughts, but the truth is, we rarely”choose”
our thoughts.
Most of what we call “thoughts” are really automatic reactions
coming out of our subconscious programming.
These programs, many of which are negative, make it difficult
for us to experience the health, happiness and success we desire
and deserve.

Once the subconscious accepts a message,
new programs are created and our conscious mind learns
new responses, thoughts and behaviors as a result.
We literally talk ourselves into health or sickness mentally,
physically and emotionally.

Before you put it in your mouth imagine what you want the
medicine to do.
How do you want it to react in your body?
Give it a specific job or assignment…
Where does it need to go?
What do you want it to effect?
When do you want it to start working and for how long?

Visualize your internal healers and angles;
spirit guides what ever you believe will work as your
internal healer.

I imagine a pure white light surrounding me,
and as I gulp down the medicine,
I feel my body filling with this pure white light
moving through every pore of my body.

I then visualize the light going into every organ,
structure and muscle of my body and finally the
light shining and radiate out every pore in my skin.

I see light streaming out of my body in all directions
North, South , East , and West into the entire universe.
The energy of the medicine vibrates radiant health to all
parts of my body mind and spirit.

The most effective Blessing or Prayer will depend on your
spiritual background.

It can be as simple as- “I bless this medicine to go to the
Right organ or system to heal my body, speech and mind.”

Or a more traditional prayers or mantras that you know
or practice can be incredibly effective.

Another example “I have great faith in the healing power of my
medicine and will bring forth the blessings of The Heavenly Father
or Mother.

The medicine becomes so powerful that it can heal anything it meets.
It is so powerful that it instantly heals all disease, of the mind and body.

“Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got.”
Make some changes today for your good health

I wish you the best in your Health Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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