Posts Tagged ‘National Surveillance Systems’

Alarming News!

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

When I woke up this morning an
alarming letter was waiting for me
from Dr. Garry F. Gordon.
A large scale attack on our health
is going on RIGHT NOW!

“Government regulations are
Here we have a perfect example to help
educate others. Case in point:
manufacturing practices for supplements
are driving up costs so that many can no
longer afford their supplements. That is in
spite of the proven lack of any deaths from
consumption of supplements.

This is a thinly veiled effort to stop the
Natural Health Movement by making
regulations that will drive supplement
costs out of sight.”

Over 60 billion doses of vitamins and
mineral supplements per year in the USA,
and not a single fatality. Not one. If vitamin
and mineral supplements are allegedly so
“dangerous,” as the FDA and news media
so often claim, then where are the bodies?

No Deaths from Vitamins
America’s Largest Database
Confirms Supplement Safety

(OMNS, Dec 28, 2011) There was not even
one death caused by a vitamin supplement in
2010, according to the most recent information
collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System.

The new 203-page annual report of the
American Association of Poison Control
Centers, published online at,

shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins;
zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero
deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero
deaths from any other vitamin.

Additionally, there were no deaths whatsoever
from any amino acid or dietary mineral supplement.

Three people died from non-supplement
mineral poisoning: two from medical use of
sodium and one from non-supplemental iron.
On page 131, the AAPCC report specifically
indicates that the iron fatality was not from a
nutritional supplement.

Fifty-seven poison centers provide
coast-to-coast data for the National Poison
Data System, “one of the few real-time national
surveillance systems in existence, providing a
model public health surveillance system for all
types of exposures, public health event
identification, resilience response and situational
awareness tracking.”

Well over half of the U.S. population takes daily
nutritional supplements. Even if each of those
people took only one single tablet daily, that
makes 165,000,000 individual doses per day,
for a total of over 60 billion doses annually.
Since many people take far more than just one
single vitamin or mineral tablet, actual consumption
is considerably higher, and the safety of nutritional
supplements is all the more remarkable.

Over 60 billion doses of vitamin and mineral
supplements per year in the USA, and not a
single fatality. Not one.

If vitamin and mineral supplements are allegedly
so “dangerous,” as the FDA and news media so
often claim, then where are the bodies?

It’s important to eat a balanced diet- get more
veggies and fruit in your diet, cut the sugars out as
much as possible, eat organic whenever you can,
and remember things like white bread and sodas
are not food, so cut them out of your diet.
Of course, no matter what you eat you must stay
physically active.

Reduce stress and take supplements.
I’d advise you to only take the very best in supplements.
Here is why:
When you go into the health food store you
will notice there are a lot of different brands
of the same vitamin.

Example: there may be
20 different vitamins “C’s “all priced differently.
How can that be?
I’ll tell you.

My father was in the Gold business years ago.
Gold prices are set and that’s the price: 24Kt.
Pure gold let’s say costs $1000 an ounce and
yet jewelry comes in different prices, here is why:
They make 10 Kt. gold rings, 14 Kt. Rings 18 Kt.
rings and 22Kt. Rings. 24Kt. Pure gold is actually
too soft for jewelry. You are not really getting the
quality with a 10Kt. Ring. It’s less than half of the
gold and mostly made up of much cheaper metals.
The same with the vitamins you buy.

The price is
the price and the only way to make them cheaper is
to cut down on quality and add cheap fillers.
Get the Gold standard in your
supplements—Qi Essentials “Multi-4”
They are 100% pharmaceutical quality.
The 4 pack is exceedingly rich in array of
anti-oxidants, multi vitamins, the highest
quality pure fish oil and all the minerals you
need to keep your body, immune system,
and mind operating at your peak.
I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi