Posts Tagged ‘Homopathic & Vitamins’

When Taking Medicine

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

Before you take any Medicine, Herb,
Homeopathic or Vitamin, you can energize it
to give you it’s maximum healing benefit. 

This can increase the effectiveness of your medication

How many times have you heard this?
•    My medicine is killing me.
•    I hate taking this stuff;
•    This is making me sick
•    If you don’t take your medicine you could die.

                         Well wake up!

What you are saying is akin to a negative
affirmation, or rubbing the genie lamp and asking
for a wish to be granted.
Our words are much more powerful than
ever imaginable. 
What you say, visualize or think is what you
will manifest.

Be careful for what you wish.
Your body and mind will eventually be granted
it’s demand,
And, if you ask or repeat the same thing over
and over, it reinforces it like a prayer
or mantra. 
Your medicine is following your instructions.
As it travels down your gullet along goes with it
the negative program that you are also

You can change all of that. by simply taking charge
of where and what your medicine does.

In Buddhist Doctrines, it is stated the
importance of the purification of the body,
speech, and mind is primoridial. 

What we say to others, and especially what we are
saying to ourselves is the key to our health.
Some call it self-talk or programming our minds.

In the eighties, I was a personal growth trainer
and consultant for an internationally known
subliminal tape company, Midwest Research of Michigan,
producers of the “SCWL” subliminal programming tapes.
I was  always looking for techniques and products to
assist my clients and patients in making positive

Most motivational speakers and books tell us
that we create our life with our thoughts,
but the truth is,
we rarely choose our thoughts.

Most of what we call thoughts are automatic reactions
coming out of our subconscious programming.
These programs, many of which are negative,
make it difficult
for us to experience the health, happiness
and success we desire and deserve.
Once the subconscious accepts a message,
new programs are created and our conscious
mind learns new responses, thoughts and
behaviors. We literally talk
ourselves into health or sickness – mentally,
physically and emotionally. 

Before you put that pill or drink that medicine,
imagine what you want the medicine
to do.

How do you want it to react in your body? 

Give it a specific job or assailment. (assignment?)

Where does it need to go? What do you want
it to affect?

When do you want it to start working? and for
how long?

Visualize your internal healers, angels,
spirit guides, whatever you believe will work as your internal

I usually see a pure white light surrounding me,
and the medicine, and as I ingest it,

I feel my body filling with this pure white light
moving through every pore.
Then I visualize the light engulfing every organ,
structure and muscle
of my body and finally shining
and radiating out every pore in my skin. 
See the light streaming out of my body in all
directions North, South, East,
and West. Upward into the heavens and
downward deep into the core of the earth and
throughout the entire universe.
The medicine vibrating radiant health to
all parts of my body mind and spirit.


Blessing and Prayer
The most effective Blessing or Prayer will
depend on your spiritual background.
It can be as simple as
“I bless this medicine to go to the right
organ or system to heal my body, speech and mind.”
or more traditional prayers or mantras
that you know or practice, can be very effective.

Another example:  “I have great faith in the healing
power of my medicine and will bring forth the blessings of
The Heavenly Father or Mother,  Beloved God,
Saints and Sages of all religions, and this
will heal and protect the Body,
Mind and Spirit.” 

Think of the prayer transforming and absorbing
into the medicine. Generate strong faith that
the medicine
has all the blessings of the healer’s saints
and sages.

Also, visualize that the essence of the
five elements fire, earth, metal, water and wood
all absorb into the medicine. The medicine becomes
so powerful that it can heal anything it meets.
It instantly heals all diseases
of the mind and body. 
“Unless you change how you are, you will
always have what you’ve got.”