Posts Tagged ‘Cancers’

Wake Up to the Answer to Cancer

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

We have to wake up to what is happening with
our health, and it may be no fault of our own. As
a nation we have a big problem with our food and
water as well as to the amount of chemicals that
are being pumped into the air. We live in a toxic
world and it’s affecting our health daily.
We all want to stay healthy, young, and vibrant
but it takes a lot more work these days than it
did years ago. Yes, you can eat organically. But
if you aren’t growing your own garden with your
own organic seeds you may be getting watered down
organic fruit or vegetables. Large food producers
are working right now to change the laws and rules
for what organic really is.

In my clinic I am seeing more and more patients
who have been diagnosed with CANCER. What’s a
person to do? The best thing you can do is:
•Let your stress go as soon as you can
•Stay hydrated
•Stay out of fast food restaurants
•Eat organically as much as possible
•Drink purified water only
•Put a water filter on your shower
•Be happy, smile a lot, love yourself and
•Get hugs every day

The early detection of cancer is very important.
You may have blockage in a tooth or one of your
organs that can cause problems. If you can see
that blockage before you get any symptoms you are
far ahead of the game.

‘Computerized Regulation Thermography’

Discovers Breast Health Problems Sooner!

The Causes of images according to leading
American & European Research Studies include:

1)Prescriptions Drugs, especially Synthetic
Hormones, e.g., birth control pills, non-human
estrogen, etc.
2)Exposures to Plastics and Plasticizers that
may act like Toxic Foreign Estrogens
3)Hidden and Chronic Infections of the Teeth,
Tonsils and/or Lymphatic and Internal Organs
4)Toxic Heavy Metal Exposures (mercury, lead,
arsenic, cadmium, etc.)
5)Improper Diet and Nutritional Deficiencies
6)Liver Metabolism Defects

Breast Disease is not a disorder of the breasts
alone, but of multiple, systemic, physiological
malfunctions, such as: Abnormal liver
detoxification; Hormonal imbalances; Environmental
toxins (mercury, lead, arsenic, plastics, etc.);
Dietary carcinogens (oxidized, rancid fats,
processed foods, artificial food colors and
preservatives, etc.); Unresolved chronic
infections; and, Trauma and x-rays (30% of all
breast cancers may be triggered by the crush
trauma and radiation exposure of repeated

Seventy-five percent of women who get breast
cancer have no family history of the disease.
Moreover, 23% of all breast cancers occur in women
under 49. This is the most common cancer in women
in this age group. Breast cancers in younger
women are usually more aggressive and have poorer
survival rates. Therefore, young women will
greatly benefit from CRT screening.
Mammography and digital infrared image
Thermography, as well as MRI and ultrasound, can
help to study the breasts and other parts of the
body, but only Computerized Regulation
Thermography (CRT) can help pinpoint and explain
the relationship and impact of all the other body
systems and their particular influences on breast
health on an individual basis.

Computerized Regulation Thermography (CRT) is a
safe, radiation-free, non-invasive, painless and
cost-effective, whole body scan method for
discovering hidden dysfunctions and infections and
monitoring treatment progress. It can see
problems before they manifest into a palpable
mass, or, into health problems that may be

CRT can be used in conjunction mammography,
ultrasound, MRI and physical palpation of the
breasts for more definitive diagnosis and
understanding of the condition. It looks at
stress-response relationships correlated with
health and disease, whereas mammography only
provides imaging of structure.

The internal organs can be ‘seen’ digitally
through the nervous system’s connections with the
skin surface. CRT can detect a suspicion for
breast disease and, thereafter, the patient may be
referred for digital mammography, ultrasound
and/or a non-contrast MRI for further study.

Although the new, digitized, low-radiation
mammography is a step in the right direction, CRT
can be used with a higher (80%) confidence level,
with the additional benefit of detecting breast
disease at much earlier stages than mammography,
MRI or ultrasound imaging.

In a study that followed 300 women for 10 years
after thermographic analysis, there was an
astounding 70% accuracy in predicting breast
cancer up to four years before it was detected by

Breast Thermography and Mammography are
complementary procedures, that is, one test does
not replace the other. Research reveals that the
earliest detection is realized when a multiple
testing approach to screening is taken. This
multi-modal approach includes regular breast
self-examinations, physical breast exams by a
physician, mammography and thermography.
In most cases, a primary or secondary cause is
identified, such as hormonal problems, subclinical
infections in the lymph glands, etc. In such
cases, individualized treatment is begun by
initially addressing the imbalance that has the
highest priority.

Computerized Regulation Thermography (CRT) plays
an important role in the early detection of cancer
prevention. The single, greatest risk factor for
the development of cancer is upon us every day.
Thermography is the only known, non-invasive
procedure that can detect things before they

If a woman’s thermographic analysis suggest a
relative ‘progesterone deficiency’ (estrogen
dominance), treatment of this condition may play
an important role in prevention. Normalizing the
balance of the hormones in the breasts and entire
body may be the first and most significant step in
disease prevention. Follow-up CRT exams are
compared to the baseline, ‘estrogen dominant’
images as part of the treatment monitoring

Progress is then evaluated with CRT, and, in many
cases, can help move the person out of the danger
zone, saving both time and preserving health. CRT
is used in leading hospitals throughout Europe and
serves to guide physicians toward more accurate
diagnosis and comprehensive therapeutic

To schedule an appointment for your CRT exam, call
my clinic today 305-407-0120. Dr. Carola Cuenca
will be seeing patients from November 5th through
the 10th. She is highly skilled in the testing and
what will be your best option for treatment to
stay healthy. Again, call today 305-407-0120
appointments are limited!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi