Posts Tagged ‘Bruce Lee’

Forecast 2010

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

crane2[1]2010 is going to be more than interesting and
exciting according to my friend, Ray Merriman,
he’s well-versed in the language of both market
analysis and astrology.
In his 2010 book “Forecast” he says.
“2010 it’s like a portal opened into a new reality.
Both consciousness and perception are altered from
anything known before.It is as if a new paradigm
is being created continuously,but never quite
manifested entirely. Many of the rules of
the past for the phenomenal world no longer work
and the rules that will work have yet to be
It is unlike anything experienced before, and therefore
the first and most primal emotions are likely to be
confusion and disorientation, followed by fear and
then if lucky,faith and acceptance.”

That’s quite a mouth full Ray. It sounds like there’s
going to be a lot of changelings and a lot of new
for those of us who are centered and willing to bend
like the bamboo or willow swaying in the wind.

“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked,
while the Bamboo or willow survives by bending with
the wind.”
– Bruce Lee

Flexibility and opening up to new possibilities will
Definitely be what is needed.

I have some real gems to teach all of you this year.
Practice and training is the key to make us strong
like the Bamboo.

“Knowledge = Wisdom”.

This year in early February I am going to release
a new teaching. “Crain Style Qi Gong”.
I have been practicing and teaching this form for
30 some years. There will be classes,DVD’s
meditations and strength building exercises
as well as internal work to increase longevity.
I’ll include the erotic teachings as well
of the Buddhist and Taoist healing and
meditation Systems.

Thanks for being a part of
Recharging Qi Gong programs,workshops
and classes.
May great things come your way in 2010!!!!