Meditation, Turn Stress Into Power

Shen Disturbance caused Tuson shooting

My youngest son Damion lives in Tucson,Arizona.
It is about 6 blocks from where that shooter
-Jared Lee Loughner gunned down all those people
and wounded one of our U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

When we spoke today he was telling me
that he was at a similar gathering with
my granddaughter a few months ago.
Damo, as he is called by friends and
family is in the Newspaper
business and goes to most political
events in his community.
I was glad he missed this one.

It brought a tear to my eye just thinking
of the negative possibilities for a split
My prayers go out to the families that lost
their loved ones and that our U.S. Rep,
Gabrielle Gifford has a speedy recovery
from this sad event.

“A tragedy for our entire country.”

In the Chinese medicine the shooter,
Jared Lee Loughner would have
been diagnosed with a Shen disturbance.

A Shen disturbance is a symptom of depression,
mental health problems and emotional disorders.
But it’s much more than that.

The word Shen is literally translated as Spirit
but way different from the Western idea of Spirit.

In Chinese medicine, Shen includes many
different aspects of mind, spirit, consciousness,
awareness and vitality.
It reinforces the body, consciousness and personality.

Unfortunately, for all of us, politics and politicians
play nasty and can influence unstable people to do
some really bad things.

“The Targeted List,” by one of our overly ambitious
politician has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our
U.S. Rep district in Arizona.
I was sure that the campaign managers didn’t see
anything wrong with this as a logo.

But it is possible in a Shen disturbed mind this can
trigger the wrong message.
A message that could be easley be misunderstood if
you are off balance in the first place.

I bet a dollar of donuts that Jared Lee was a wired
junk food eater, and that contributed to his
disturbed mind and behavior.

To keep from falling into destructive patterns,
it is necessary to keep a good attitude in body,
mind and spirit.
There are ways to keep yourself balanced and
avoid negative energy as you keep your Shen
in tip-top shape.

Here is a list of activities to keep you balances

1. Meditation
2. Exercise
3. Positive thinking
4. The company you keep
5. The foods you eat
6. The places you frequently visit

Turn stress into Power is a program filled
with exact formulas to strengthen your Shen
and transform energy into power.

Claim your copy now by going to

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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