Anti-aging, Health, longevity, QI

The Movement of Qi or lack of it will spell out your health picture

Anastasia is constantly asking me questions.
She want to know, why Qi, why is it so important?
She said to me, “I can’t see Qi, I can’t touch it,
and how do I know that these Qi Gong exercises
will keep me healthier and younger as well as
looking great??”

I invited her to come to train with me in the
morning for two hours.
After that, she reported that she was tired
and had less energy than she had before.
She called me the next morning at 7 o’clock
and I asked her why she called so early.
She said that she’s been up since 5 o’clock
in the morning and had more energy than she
did in her entire life. She cleaned the house,
went to jogging for 45 minutes, came home,
made breakfast, and it’s only 7 o’clock in
the morning!

She defiantly is a believer in Qi, and
Qi Gong now.

Here is some information to chew on
about Qi!
I will also be sending you more details
in the next few weeks.
There are many different kinds of Qi
and they all function in different
ways to keep us healthy .

Qi is the energy of the body,
of the meridians, of food,
and of the universe.
If you’re Qi deficient then you’re
going to be out of energy for sure.

For example Gu Qi is energy;
it’s derived from food and is the
first stage in the transformation
of food to energy.
Food is first digested by the stomach
and then sent to the Spleen to make Gu Qi,
still in unusable form.
Then the Gu Qi is sent from the Spleen
and Stomach and to the Lungs and Heart.
That’s where it combines with air to form Zong Qi.

The Zong Qi has the function of nourishing the
heart and lungs and forms the basis for the
involuntary functions of heartbeat, respiration
and the heart’s function of governing the
blood and blood vessels.
When it’s weak, the extremities, especially
the hands, will be weak or cold.
It influences speech and the strength of voice.
It also has a strong effect on the emotion,
and there are usually emotional problems.

The Wei Qi is our defense system our protective
armor which protects the body from attack,
wind, cold, heat, dampness, and
aids in nourishing skin and muscles.
These are just a few functions of Qi.
Qi also has six different actions and
in the Flying Crane Qi Gong program we
use all of them:
* Closing.
These actions of Qi affect every organ
in the body as well as the emotions.
When we practice on a regular basis,
the Qi is flowing and feeding the
body and mind and spirit with rich
Qi and oxygen this will keep you
disease free.

What happens is when the Qi is
stagnating energy blocks begin
to happen.
First in the spirit body then the
energy body and finally your physical
body and Boom! You’re sick.

Sickness just doesn’t happen.
No one gets cancer over night.
It first affects the other two bodies
(the Spirit body and the Energy body)
and then by the time the disease
raises its ugly head it’s too late.
That’s why regular practice is so
important to keep everything flowing
and healthy.

Practice will lock in the muscle memory
and soon you will embody the work.
The Flying Crane Qi Gong program will
quickly help you open up the flow of Qi
in all the meridians and you will stay
disease free and full of energy!

Pick up your copy today:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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