Anti-aging, longevity

Is it really true that the health exchanges are open and the government is closed?

If you are listening to the news these days,
they are NOT particularly pleasant. Our government
is overloaded with a lot of internal fighting.
Part of the battle is over the affordable health care (Obama care).
They say that millions of Americans who are unable to cover the cost
of premiums will be eligible for federal subsidies.
This could be a good start but, as we all know, there is never any free lunch.
What kind of health care are they going to get?

Do you think there will be no waiting at the doctor’s
office or long lines in over crowded waiting rooms?
You may be seen by a doctor for a few minutes that is so
stressed-out from the heavy patient loads that his head will be spinning.
I am sure everyone is excited to spend their day waiting
to be seen and moved in and out of the doctor’s office,
just like cattle. Will they be getting the top of the
line in health care?
I doubt it sincerely!

I really don’t want that kind of doctor
for my health care. If you want to have good
health it’s up to you. You have to take 100%
responsibility for your own health.
You will have to work for it:
• Exercise daily
• Healthy diet
• Positive state of mind
• Drink plenty of clean water
• Food supplements
• Proper hygiene
• Get educated about your health

Do you know what country has the least amount of Cancer?
It’s China.

People don’t know the secrets to staying healthy.
They think the doctors, the medicine, or maybe the
hospital is going to keep them healthy. Well guess what,
the doctors can’t even keep th eir own health together.
How do I know that? I treat more medical doctors and
their wife’s than you could shake a stick at.
You maybe asking yourself right now, why do they come in to see Dr. Wu Dhi?

Because they know my treatments and programs will get
them well, eliminate stress and they can avoid the
medicine that has some really bad side effects, really,
really bad ones. Just watch the TV commercials that the
drug companies are putting out.

They warn you of all the side effects and they are dangerous.
Isn’t it high time that you take the bull by the horns and
recover your own health? If you need a coach contact me
and we will work together to keep you healthy, strong, young and vibrant.

I am in my sixties, my late sixties and I look and
feel younger than people 15 or 20 years younger than me.
Start now, the longer you wait to start making the shifts
to a younger you the harder it gets. Get on the programs today.
You can be healthier, younger, happier within months.
Call me for a phone consultation today. 305-407- 0120 and
I will guide you to a healthier you.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. We can talk about your personal health
problems and I will tell you what you need to
get your health back to where you want it 305-407-0120

PSS. Even better come to Florida and work with me for a few
days and you will recover your youth.

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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