Who is in charge of your Future?

Many years ago I made a decision to focus on my
longevity practices. I studied what the ancient
Taoists were doing, what herbs to take and what
diet to follow. I studied and practiced yoga, Qi
Gong , Nei Gong and Shen Gong. I read all the
books I could find on Longevity learned the
meditation practices and the best exercises to
insure a long and healthy life.

Meditation Question and Answers

The meditation started and I felt my energy moving
as if I was sitting on a giant rocket ship and
being propelled out into space. The next thing,
the Guru told me I could come back into the room
now although it seemed like the meditation only
took minutes an hour passed.

Honor our Warriors

I spend a lot of time putting together programs and teachings to educate all of us about our health, what the best exercises are and what nutrition would be the best for us in order to give us a healthy and happy life.

The Secrets to Longevity

Whenever you are
working with people in any kind energy work, no
matter if it is meditation or any healing work;
you need to be protected energetically.

Energy will naturally move from the lowest point
to the highest point and if you aren’t prepared to
grind up the negative energy, you can experience
the same symptoms or worse if you are seeing
patients all day.

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