Computerized Regulation Thermography Testing

There are many factors in determining that when a patient comes into my office there is some important test that I have done to determine the best course of action to bring them back to perfect health. “Computerized Regulation Thermograph’ is the #1 tool to get the most information the quickest without doing any invasive procedures. It is able to locate disease processes in organs long before the laboratory tests or scanning images will show even a hint of a problem. It will also tell if the therapy you have been receiving is making a difference or not. It has been used by over 1500 practitioners in Europe and is the considered state-of-the-art. Unlike many of the “testing” devices used by alternative care practitioners, CRT is objective and reproducible. The test looks at problems from outside of the box. It gives an indication of the severity of the condition, if allergies are a consideration, if there is toxicity involved, and if there is degeneration involved. Every human has a specific pattern.

The CRT examines nearly every major organ system in the body and gives direction on how to correct the condition. Computerized Regulation Thermograph’ (CRT) can be very useful as an adjunct test for early detection of cancer.


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