The War between the Sexes. Hillary Vs. Donald

The war of the sexes is on the they are going at it with everything from name calling to trying to bring up the worst qualities of each other. I thought the Bush and Cheney years were bad with lies cheating and a war over oil that didn’t have to happen. After 911 we lost many of our freedoms and all of us are under surveillance more than ever.

Who are You Going to make Love to this Week?

Did you know that
Valentine’s Day didn’t start out
with love,
flowers and candy?
There are several
stories about Saint Valentine
and they are
all about his gloom and doom. He is
the man
that is responsible for our
Valentine’s Day.

The Power of Sex

I was talking to a younger doctor this evening
about stress and how it effects our body and mind.
He said, “If I am making love, all my stresses
just seem to float away.” He made me chuckle, but
it’s true, sex can be a de-stressor for sure.
it keeps you young.

Sexual Power Enhancement

For the most
part, we are not taught how to make love, and most
of our lovemaking is only to satisfy ourselves.
This is a very limited view that keeps us stuck in
unsatisfying relationships and, eventually, we
lose our libido and our health, and maybe, even
our mate.

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