Labor Day 2013

This is the time when the kids go back to school
and kiss, touch and lick, and everybody comes back
with a cold. Runny noses, ear aches and stomach
problems are a bound. Here are a few things you
can do to avoid those problems:

Is the Spirit Word really real?

n the west we haven’t put too much attention on
the spirit world, although if you have been
watching TV lately there seems to be a lot of
interest in ghosts, sprits and that kind of
phenomena. We actually encounter spirits daily,
in the form of emotional upsets.

I want to know, don’t you?

The Computer Regulation Thermography
(CRT) is amazing! We pick up more information
about a patients health in a half hour then most
doctors do with a slew of tests.

An Unwanted Hitchhiker

People come into my office
all the time and report that their doctor says
that there is nothing wrong with them, and their illness is all in their head
but they still feel rotten. sometimes it’s an energy problem and
it can affect their entire household.

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