Qi gong, Sex

The War between the Sexes. Hillary Vs. Donald

For many years we have been living in a patriarchal system.  In this society men must be in control at all times. They have a desire to control all social and family situations and must make all decisions regarding finances and education. This was very popular but started to change a little in the sixties when the Beatles came along with free love, pot and change.  The patriarchal system has been strong in some African tribes for eons and with many Muslims in general ,especially from the middle east , Christians and Jew too all think that the men should run the show no matter what.   Keeping  their woman suppressed, unless they subscribe to a  more liberal view.  I don’t think God actually mean to be sexist, people just translated it that way.

In essence, women have a role in a patriarchal society, but only in a sense that is submissive and subservient to men. I know many women who are reading my blog really think this stinks or it’s not true. They were buffaloed into believing this is how life is and they like it. They give the man the power and are protected feed and cared for just like a pet. Sounds harsh don’t it?

On the other hand a Matriarchy is a social system in which females hold primary power, predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority social privilege and control of property at the specific exclusion of men, at least to a large degree.

By standard definition, a matriarchy is a “family, group or state governed by a matriarch: a woman who is head of a family or tribe. Anthropologists and feminists have since created more specific classifications for female societies, including the matrilineal system. Matrilineality refers not only to tracing one’s lineage through maternal ancestry; it can also refer to a civil system in which one inherits property through the female line. While the legendary Amazonis probably the most widely known matriarchy are relegated to mythology, there are a handful of female-led societies that thrive in the real world today. Here is a list of  societies run by women that you may find interesting

  1. MOSUO

Living near the border of Tibet in the Yunnan and Sichuan provinces, the Mosuo are perhaps the most famous matrilineal society. The Chinese government officially classifies them as part of another ethnic minority known as the Naxi, but the two are distinct in both culture and language.

The Mosuo live with extended family in large households; at the head of each is a matriarch. Lineage is traced through the female side of the family, and property is passed down along the same matriline. Mosuo women typically handle business decisions and men handle politics. Children are raised in the mother’s households and take her name.

The Mosuo have what’s called “walking marriages.” There is no institution of marriage; rather, women choose their partners by literally walking to the man’s home and the couples never live together. Since children always remains in the mother’s care, sometimes the father plays little role in the upbringing. In some cases, the father’s identity is not even known. Instead, the male’s childrearing responsibilities remain in his own matrilineal household.


At four million people, the Minangkabau of West Sumatra, Indonesia, are the largest known matrilineal society today. In addition to tribal law requiring all clan property to be held and bestowed from mother to daughter, the Minangkabau firmly believe the mother to be the most important person in society.Sexual Wars

In Minangkabau society, women usually rule the domestic realm while the men take the political and spiritual leadership roles. However, both genders feel the separation  of keeps them on an equal footing. Upon marriage, every woman acquires her own sleeping quarters. The husband may sleep with her, but must leave early in the morning to have breakfast at his mother’s home. At age 10, boys leave their mother’s home to stay in men’s quarters and learn practical skills and religious teachings. While the clan chief is always male, women select the chief and can remove him from office should they feel he failed to fulfill his duties.

  1. AKAN

The Akan people are a majority in Ghana, where they predominantly reside. The Akan social organization is fundamentally built around the matriclan, wherein one’s identity, inheritance, wealth, and politics are all determined. All matriclan founders are female, but men traditionally hold leadership positions within the society. These inherited roles, however, are passed down matrilineally—meaning through a man’s mothers and sisters (and their children). Often, the man is expected to not only support his own family, but those of his female relatives.


The Bribri are a small indigenous group of just over 13,000 people living on a reserve in the Talamanca canton in the Limón province of Costa Rica. Like many other matrilineal societies, the Bribri are organized into clans. Each clan is made up of extended family, and the clan is determined through the mother/females. Women are the only ones who traditionally can inherit land. Women are also endowed with the right to prep the cacao used in sacred Bribri rituals.

  1. GARO

Much like their Khasi neighbors in the North-East Indian state of Meghalaya, the Tibeto-Burman-speaking Garos pass property and political succession from mother to daughter—typically, he youngest daughter inherits her mother’s property. Much like the Akan, however, the societiy is matrilineal but not matriarchal: the men govern the society and manage property.

Oftentimes, the youngest daughter’s marriage is arranged for her. But for non-inheriting daughters, the process can be much more complex. In Garo tradition, the groom-to-be is expected to run away from a proposal of marriage, requiring the bride-to-be’s family to “capture” him and return him to his potential bride’s village. This back-and-forth is repeated until the bride either gives up, or the groom accepts her proposal (often after she has made many promises to serve and obey him). Once married, the husband lives in his wife’s house. Should it not work out, the union is dissolved without social stigma, as marriage is not a binding contract.


The Nagovisi live in South Bougainville, an island west of New Guinea. Nagovisi society was divided into two matrilineal moieties, which are then divided into matriclans. Nagovisi women are involved in leadership and ceremonies, but take the most pride in working the land entitled to them. Nash observed that when it comes to marriage, the Nagovisi woman held gardening and shared sexuality at equal importance. Marriage is not institutionalized. If a couple is seen together, sleeps together, and the man assists the woman in her garden, for all intents and purposes they are considered married.


A Matriarchy society is  a threat to men and I think it is the underline current of the USA’s current presidential election. The war of the sexes is on the they are going at it with everything from name calling to trying to bring up the worst qualities of each other. I thought the Bush and Cheney years were bad with lies cheating and a war over oil that didn’t have to happen. After 911 we lost many of our freedoms and all of us are under surveillance more than ever.

What can you do to keep yourself balanced, strong and happy in these tumultuous times?

Learn how to meditate, take yoga classes and learn the ancient arts of internal exercises like Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Shen Gong. Don’t wait until we have an internal revolution start now and protect your mental , physical and spiritual health. Download the Yin Set http://rechargingqigong.com/yin-set.html now and start your practices.


I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness


Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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