Fung Shui, Karma, longevity, Manifestation, Meditation

Building The Temple

The summer of 1984, was when I parted ways with my long-time
friend and meditation guru of over 20 years the first time.
The time had come to take the next step forward and
deeThe summer of 1984, was when I parted ways with my long-time
friend and meditation guru of over 20 years the first time.
The time had come to take the next step forward and
deepen my internal teachings- alone.
It was imperative to grow past him, however, for in a
student- relationship, one can become co-dependent and form
an unhealthy and unproductive liaison.

He asked for one favor, however, before moving on to the next chapter of my personal growth.
Not missing a beat, I retorted with an emphatic

“Yes Master, how can I serve you?”

He spoke about a Temple that was being built in upstate
New York
which could use my help to work on the heart-chakra of the project.
He went on to explain that the Temple was referred to as
a Stupa and is a symbol of enlightenment; one of the most ancient icons of
Buddhist art. Stupas are also the oldest and most
prevalent forms of Buddhist architecture.

More than just being examples of art and architecture,
these holy monuments are designed with deep symbolism
and sacred geometry. Filled with Buddhist relics,
and other holy objects,
Stupas emanate blessings and peace.



Studa Big Indian NY
Studa Big Indian NY

The next thing I knew I was on my way to New York to work
on the heart chakra of the Stupa and open my own to a

Once there, the temple was largely impressive
and I was honored to be asked to be one of the builders
of such an edifice of enlightenment.

Beginning every morning with a meditation and Qi Gong
that summer mine were solely focused on opening my heart
and feeling the
emotions it engenders- Love, Joy, Respect and Honor.
My vibration of heart energy strengthened the core of my being.
And for every summer following, my energy both physically
and internally the healing sound and the internal exercises
done are for my heart. The small intestine, triple-heater and
pericardium organs are all on the fire element and also re-charged.

If you know these practices, start doing them daily.
Mornings are best for the heart and pericardium.
The night is best for the; small intestine; and triple heater.
We all need coaching no mater if it’s to re-ignite these practices
or you don’t own these teachings at all; you are invited for a limited time
to join me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle
to learn how to learn these critical steps.
The teachings and coaching are available via DVD
and conference calls. As one practices these core movements you will notice a
shift in your health and energy, you will feel grounded and incredibly powerful
in all aspects of life.

In fact, one summer I was in China, working as an intern in a
hospital seeing 80 patients a day. It was like a Acupuncture factory the
patients never stopped coming
These practices got me through days feeling of fully energetic without a
single sign of fatigue.

Don’t delay, become a member today. Visit
and meet life head-on with wellbeing, strength and vigor.

Always wishing you the Best in Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS After that summer I rejoined my Master for another 15 years.
Many of the teachings are directly from these experiences.
Every DVD you receive out has a spiritual basis to it
pen my internal teachings- alone.
It was imperative to grow past him, however, for in a
student- relationship, one can become co-dependent and form
an unhealthy and unproductive liaison.

He asked for one favor, however, before moving on to the next chapter of my personal growth.
Not missing a beat, I retorted with an emphatic

“Yes Master, how can I serve you?”

He spoke about a Temple that was being built in upstate
New York
which could use my help to work on the heart-chakra of the project.
He went on to explain that the Temple was referred to as
a Stupa and is a symbol of enlightenment; one of the most ancient icons of
Buddhist art. Stupas are also the oldest and most
prevalent forms of Buddhist architecture.

More than just being examples of art and architecture,
these holy monuments are designed with deep symbolism
and sacred geometry. Filled with Buddhist relics,
and other holy objects,
Stupas emanate blessings and peace.
The next thing I knew I was on my way to New York to work
on the heart chakra of the Stupa and open my own to a

Once there, the temple was largely impressive
and I was honored to be asked to be one of the builders
of such an edifice of enlightenment.

Beginning every morning with a meditation and Qi Gong
that summer mine were solely focused on opening my heart
and feeling the
emotions it engenders- Love, Joy, Respect and Honor.
My vibration of heart energy strengthened the core of my being.
And for every summer following, my energy both physically
and internally the healing sound and the internal exercises
done are for my heart. The small intestine, triple-heater and
pericardium organs are all on the fire element and also re-charged.

If you know these practices, start doing them daily.
Mornings are best for the heart and pericardium.
The night is best for the; small intestine; and triple heater.
We all need coaching no mater if it’s to re-ignite these practices
or you don’t own these teachings at all; you are invited for a limited time
to join me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle
to learn how to learn these critical steps.
The teachings and coaching are available via DVD
and conference calls. As one practices these core movements you will notice a
shift in your health and energy, you will feel grounded and incredibly powerful
in all aspects of life.

In fact, one summer I was in China, working as an intern in a
hosital seeing 80 patients a day. It was like a Acupuncture factory the
patients never stopped coming
These practices got me through days feeling of fully energetic without a
single sign of fatigue.

Don’t delay, become a member today. Visit
and meet life head-on with wellbeing, strength and vigor.

Always wishing you the Best in Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS After that summer I rejoined my Master for another 15 years.
Many of the teachings are directly from these experiences.
Every DVD you receive out has a spiritual basis to it

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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