Health, Medical Qi Gong, Recharging Qi Gong

Leaving Sick Energy Behind

The best thing about being a Master of Medical Qi Gong is that a healing can be delivered in many different ways. Sometimes a direct treatment is required and sometimes only words are required. I hope you won’t find this dose of medicine too bitter.
This past weekend I was at a conference in Miami on Biopuncture or Acupuncture Injections but all the needles wasn’t what was scary. I’ll get to that in a second.
I have no fear of needles and as part of my Qi Gong medicine I have been using acupuncture and injectable bio-therapeutics for years now with great results. The technology for delivering homeopathic and other herbal medicine just keeps getting better. I recommend it to many of my patients.
Needles aren’t scary, you want to know what’s REALLY SCARY?
At this conference I was meeting several new people. When you meet somebody new for the first time there is usually some conversation that is designed to share and learn about each other.
What do you do?
Where do you practice?
How long have you been practicing?
Why did you get into this field?
Just normal stuff when you meet somebody for the first time.
But it didn’t happen like that.
On more than one occasion I met someone and very quickly they went from sharing or learning right into fear cultivation.
What do I mean by FEAR CULTIVATION?
There are a lot of unknowns in the world today due to economy and politics.
People fear the unknown and one of the ways they deal with this fear is to barf it up on others. This doesn’t help it only heightens the fear and creates a negative energy field. This NEGATIVE energy can be felt in the atmosphere.
Humans are powerful at projecting energy; it doesn’t matter if they are conscious or unconscious.
Fear is a very strange type of energy, it blocks, closes, freezes and accumulates like dirty black ice in the street. Very dangerous and very hard to see.
February has been a particularly hard month for many people and many people have been sick.
As a healer I have to be very cautious with my energy during times like this. A doctor has to be cautious not to catch the sickness he is treating the patient for.
During February I have been very quiet and was especially conservative of my energy.
Ever since the election the tension and fear in America has been building and it hasn’t let up yet. This fear causes more and more people to become sick.
Consider this (especially if you are in the medical field), there was way more people sick in February than normal. This was not a Flu or a common cold. I had several friends that are normally never sick come down with pneumonia and bronchitis but when I examined them Energetically I found without exception that they all had weak Kidney Qi.
FEAR will use up all the energy in the Kidneys and when the Kidneys are depleted they must borrow energy from other organ systems like the Lungs. If both the Lungs and Kidney become depleted you are going to get sick.
Yes, FEAR will make you sick and it is making millions of Americans sick right now. (actually everybody on the planet is affected)
Now more than ever is the time to Control your health. CONTROL your ENERGY!
Don’t let others drag you into fear talk by baiting you with chats and emails of politics or economy.
Leave it alone!
You get an email complaining about some politicos – PUSH DELETE!
You get a call from someone complaining about the economy – be polite and find a way to HANG UP!
Get trapped in a conversation with someone (like me this weekend) that is all about DOUBT and FEAR – EXCUSE YOURSELF TO GO TO THE RESTROOM!
GET OUTTA THERE! Don’t ever let someone take an energetic crap on you.
Be mindful FIRST of your living force. If you don’t feel your living force hold your breath until you feel something moving.
Once you are being attentive to your own living force feed it, make it stronger and CHOOSE the vibration you want your energy to resonate with. This is the beginning of being really MAGNETIC.
Once you are dialed into a positive vibration you still must be mindful of this energy. Guide your attention to people, places and things that increase this vibration
Now once you are really humming with the energy move the energy in your body. After you fill the body with energy you can go and deal with the whining fear mongers, criticizing emailers, complaining phone callers and all the rest.
Do you know why?
Because when you are alive and full of Qi you are a beneficial presence. It’s impossible for the crappy energy to enter your system when the positive energy is pouring out.
February is OVER, March brings longer days, sunshine, and movement in the seasonal energy. Now is the time to get out there and make it happen.
If you’re uncertain what it takes to really get energy flowing be sure to practice the first three exercises in the Recharging Qi Gong
This is Dr. Wu wishing you the very best in March!
PS: lots of Changes happening at you can now get my regular tweets on the home page. I use Twitter on my iPhone to send messages and photos several times a day to the website.

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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