Acupuncture, Anti-aging, Detox, logevity

Detox or Die

IMG_3736Every day we accumulate toxins from the food we eat,
the water we drink and the air we breathe.
Even our negative thoughts affect us as toxic poisons
and those accumulated poisons interfere with the quality
of life.
The world is overburdened by chemicals that we are not
able to process nor eliminate without help and this is
a major source of disease.
Every day I see patients at my office complaining that they
have no energy, their sex drive is gone, they only have a
bowel movement every few days, they are bloated, full of gas
and over weight and Don’t Have a Clue Why.

I was in Switzerland last summer at the Paracelsus clinic
interning with Dr. Thomas Rau.  He told me a story that
I will always remember.
He said,” Our bodies are like a big garbage-can.
Every day we put something in the can and sooner or later it
fills up and garbage spills over. The next thing you know
there are flies maggots and rats everywhere.
We can spray the flies, and poison the rats but that doesn’t
solve the problem. If you want to solve the problem you need
to empty the garbage-can and the pests will disappear. ”

We eat drink and are exposed to a multitude of poisons daily
and eventually our body fills up with a toxic overload and the
next thing we know we have some dis-ease.
You can try to kill it with medicines, but until you clean up
the underlining problem you are just covering-up the real thing.
So what’s the solution?
It’s a Detox, Cleaning out the Colon, Liver and the Kidneys.

I prescribe a combination of three remedies for 2 weeks
to purify your body of toxins, and cleanse the entire system.
It enhances the circulation, improves your digestion and cleans
toxic substances that relieve symptoms of illness caused by an
unhealthy lifestyle and/or exposure to environmental toxins.

The program will:
1. Detox the lymphatic system
2. Stimulates the gastrointestinal pathway and liver function
3. Detox the kidney and gallbladder systems.

If you are in South Florida, This is the last week of the
Detox Special.
I had hundreds of people come in for
the cleansing program that included
*Lymphatic Drainage
*Light Therapy
*Homeopathic Detox.

They have reported More Energy,a Bigger Smile on their faces,
 Better Sleep, and a Clearer Mind and have Dropped Pounds.

I wish you the Best in Health , Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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