Introducing the Core Restore Detox Program!
How You Can Restore
Your Body, Mind And Spirit
To Health And Vitality
In 7 Days Or Less.
Dear Friend,
Our modern life-style has us sicker than we ever wanted or expected to be. There is more cancer, heart disease, digestive disorders and back problems than ever. How can you stay on the road to good health and restore your body, mind and spirit to health and vitality again?
The answer is easier than you think. First and foremost- reduce your toxic burden. What does that mean? The toxic burden is the total amount of a chemical metal or radioactive substance present at any time after it's absorbed into the body.
What are 7 most unavoidable toxins?
- Air Pollution
- Radiation
- Pesticides
- PCBs
- Poor Lifestyle Habits
- Biphenyl A and Plasticizers
- Phthalates and Parabens
Every day we get more evidence suggesting that even low-level toxicity is related to a variety of chronic health conditions.
When we detox we can reduce our total toxic burden, reinforce healthy lifestyle patterns, reveal chemical sensitivities, food allergies, improve hormone balance, clean out synthetic hormones, and simplify complex gut issues. In Naturopathic medicine and Chinese medicine they say, "Heal the gut first and this will restore the body to optimal health…"
When We Detox, We Remove The Toxins
That Have Built
Up Over Time
And Cause Age Related Diseases.
Most detox programs only work on a superficial level. I have tried many of them and have had hundreds of my patients on programs, some that were extremely successful and others that only worked on shallow levels.
In Order To Successfully Detox,
There Are Three Important Steps:
- Remove Incoming Burden - with my increasable 7-day diet, lifestyle and nutrient program to remove the toxins that have built up over time.
- Restore natural Detoxification- Enhance biotransformation, reducing toxin overload and improving elimination of toxins.
- Revitalize and maintain natural detoxification functions, guarding against toxic exposure over time.
In Less Than 7 Days You'll Restore Your Health, Clean Your Body Out Of Poisons And Toxins
And Start Feeling Good Again!
The Core Restore Detox with your Doctor program is based on these three steps, and combines the simplicity of the 7-day Core Restore BT kit and the power of groups for a great way to help you get back on track.
The Core Restore BT program is designed to help restore normal healthy detoxification and elimination functions.
The Program includes: comprehensive formulas supporting liver detoxification pathways, assessment tools and a helpful guide providing diet recommendations and lifestyle. It will help you reduce the burden placed on your detoxification system and provide a clearer pathway to optimal health.
Benefits of Core Restore:
- Feel better
- Unmask health and GI issues
- Change your "Filter"
- Stored toxins in fat will be released
- Benefit for the entire body
One of the main advantages of this new program is the emphasis on group sessions.
I will provide you with everything you need for a successful detox including group support and a conference call with me to give you guidelines, tips and to answer your health questions. You will receive:
- All-new Core Restore Roadmap
- DVD presentation
- "Simple Steps" to be part of the Detox program support group
- Daily Encouragement Emails
- Personal conference call with our trained staff members
Here is what you will receive in your detox kit:
- Consultation with Dr. Wu Dhi
- Our professional Slide presentation
- Group conference Support calls
In Addition To All Of This, You'll Receive
All Of These Health Enhancing Formulas:
Core Support Powder
Here's a sampling of the nutrients that will enhance your phase II liver detox pathways:
- Glycine
- Taurine
- Green tea extract
- Rosemary
- Ellagic acid
- Vita Veggie blend
- Schizandra berry extract
- Fiber helps to bind to toxins and eliminate them through the stool
- 15g protein
- 5g Fiber and Betonite
- Support for each Phase II Pathway
- Up Regulate Phase II Enzymes
- VitaVeggie,Green Tea,Rosemary,etc
- Increase Cellular Energy
Alpha Base Capsules
Vitamin and mineral cofactors that help enhance phase I & II liver detox pathways
- High dose of B vitamins –cofactors used in phase I & II detox
- High dose of antioxidants (vit. C, E, zinc) are free radical scavengers that protect cells while toxins come out
PhytoCore Capsules
Nutrients & herbs that enhance phase I & II liver detox pathways
- Lipotropics
- Methionine, Choline, Inositol
- Choleretics/Cholegogue
- Dandelion, Yellow Dock, Beat leaf, Etc
All of this for only $217!
With FREE shipping and handling.
To your health,
Dr. Wu Dhi
PS - On a more personal note: I greatly care about you and your health as well as my own health and wellbeing. That's why I share these wonderful programs with you and I personally do these programs without fail. The program combines the simplicity of the 7-day core kit and the power of group support. To order your 7-day detox program click below.