Archive for April, 2008

Sacred Weight

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

Yesterday while I was working in the office I watched as my
inbox filled with responses to yesterdays email and chuckled to
Some loved it and some hated it.
It’s interesting how serious people take the “issue” of weight
lifting. In China, by contrast, it’s not even a consideration.
In Chinese medicine we don’t really have “sports medicine” so
when I sent out my email yesterday I had no idea that I would
get the kind of response that I did.
I know my good friend and patient Matt Furey has exposed many
of the problems that are associated with weight training and
I’ve treated many people with weight lifting related injury
over the years. (including myself)
In general I don’t recommend weight training just because it
lacks the fully dimensional training that is required to build
real longevity.
Plain and simple weight training isn’t my thing – any day of
the week I’ll take Qi Gong or the type of body weight training
that Matt Furey teaches.
If you don’t train in only straight lines you train to fail in
a circle.
Train in a Circle and every possible straight line is
If you do train weights make sure that you train in free
weights, Olympic style lifting, kettle bells, stone locks, and
every kind of odd shaped apparatus that the strong men of yore
used to train. Not to mention training without weights.
You should always be the center of any strength training.
The connection between the mind and the body has to be the
focus other wise you are only trying to outsmart the body.
Injury will result.
Wishing you the best in health, wealth, and happiness,
Dr. Wu Dhi
PS: The Recharging Qi Gong is THEEE best way to learn what I
mean about connecting every part of the body to your breathing,
focus, and even the power of your imagination. Only available
here >
PPS: I got some great questions asked after the last email
including what’s the difference between Tai Chi and Qi Gong –
stay tuned I plan to answer these questions in future emails

Why Lift Weights?

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

Why lift weights?
Many years ago in a Colorado gym I was excited to try out the
greatest invention in weight training since the dumb bell or
was it?
Arthur Jones was the mad scientist behind this creation and it
did exactly as its creator designed it to do – put maximum
stress on individual muscle groups.
We thought the nautilus machine was the pinnacle of the fitness
world and with it we would develop anatomically perfect bodies
unlike anything previously seen.
This was the beginning of high intensity training.
And this physique was going to be this way because Jones had
devised the perfect torture devices with cams and chains that
loaded the weight progressively to put the most strain on the
muscle at every position – no cheating or easy strokes – all
pain directed at ever muscle fiber from tendon to tendon.
We loved it, nothing compared to a nautilus workout, and we
would laugh and joke about how we couldn’t stand up straight
the next day. Still to this day think it’s a near perfect
design. It blows out the muscle from start to finish at high
speed and, if you can take it, sprouts huge muscle growth.
So you may ask “Dr. Wu, why then do you no longer train with
weights? Is this a bad thing?”
The truth is on occasion I will pick up some weights or a
friend will convince me to try the latest new weight training
machine or fitness device. Well into my sixties, I’m not afraid
I’m going to hurt myself or do serious damage because my
foundation is in the Non-linier power movements of Qi Gong. It
is my Qi Gong that allows me to take on this extra effort.
Now that may sound strange to some. How can training without
weights enable you to train at an even deeper level with
Well for evidence of this I need only point to some of the
Russian Olympic power lifters. These dudes spent more time off
the weights then on them and took home plenty of gold over the
last half century to prove their methods as practical.
The movements of body weight training are clean because you are
the weight.
We are talking about building Strength, Speed, and Power, not
just muscle mass.
When you focus entirely on weight training you are no longer
the center, muscles are then enslaved to linear movements and
develop abnormal patterns of movement.
What I mean by this is that you will never move your body the
way you do when you are strapped into to a weight machine
unless you ARE strapped into a weight machine.
Life comes in wobbles and jolts, circles and twists, pops and
drops. There isn’t a single sport that mimics the movements of
weight lifting other than weight lifting.
So when you build muscles in these linear movements you create
muscle competency in straight lines only. Then when you go out
in the real world blam you get side swiped with the reality of
life in dynamic flow not straight lines.
Injury will result.
Generally speaking as a healer, the bigger the muscle and the
more it is trained into these straight lines the bigger the
injury is going to be.
That’s right I said it, the bigger the weight trained muscle –
the bigger the injury will be.
The weight training isn’t bad it just doesn’t train all the
potential pathways your body can and will take. You end up
lopsided. Instead of being protected by the strong muscles you
worked so hard to create you accentuate the weaknesses in
movement you didn’t train.
That power from your muscle can easily be driven off course and
twisted into a serious injury.
Let me state for the record, I’m not against weights. I just
suggest that if you do train with weights you want to build
upon a strong connection to your body.
Real strength is the connection between the mind and the muscle.
The best way to build the Body-Mind is moving meditation.
Qi Gong the way I teach it is Moving Meditation.
Once you unify the mind, breathing, and body nothing can stop
My students that have had completed 21 days of the Recharging
Qi Gong know what I am talking
I hope you will take a leap, join the fun and find out for
yourself how to tap into the vital Qi force sleeping inside you!
Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness, (and

Why lift weights?
Many years ago in a Colorado gym I was excited to try out the
greatest invention in weight training since the dumb bell or
was it?
Arthur Jones was the mad scientist behind this creation and it
did exactly as its creator designed it to do – put maximum
stress on individual muscle groups.
We thought the nautilus machine was the pinnacle of the fitness
world and with it we would develop anatomically perfect bodies
unlike anything previously seen.
This was the beginning of high intensity training.
And this physique was going to be this way because Jones had
devised the perfect torture devices with cams and chains that
loaded the weight progressively to put the most strain on the
muscle at every position – no cheating or easy strokes – all
pain directed at ever muscle fiber from tendon to tendon.
We loved it, nothing compared to a nautilus workout, and we
would laugh and joke about how we couldn’t stand up straight
the next day. Still to this day think it’s a near perfect
design. It blows out the muscle from start to finish at high
speed and, if you can take it, sprouts huge muscle growth.
So you may ask “Dr. Wu, why then do you no longer train with
weights? Is this a bad thing?”
The truth is on occasion I will pick up some weights or a
friend will convince me to try the latest new weight training
machine or fitness device. Well into my sixties, I’m not afraid
I’m going to hurt myself or do serious damage because my
foundation is in the Non-linier power movements of Qi Gong. It
is my Qi Gong that allows me to take on this extra effort.
Now that may sound strange to some. How can training without
weights enable you to train at an even deeper level with
Well for evidence of this I need only point to some of the
Russian Olympic power lifters. These dudes spent more time off
the weights then on them and took home plenty of gold over the
last half century to prove their methods as practical.
The movements of body weight training are clean because you are
the weight.
We are talking about building Strength, Speed, and Power, not
just muscle mass.
When you focus entirely on weight training you are no longer
the center, muscles are then enslaved to linear movements and
develop abnormal patterns of movement.
What I mean by this is that you will never move your body the
way you do when you are strapped into to a weight machine
unless you ARE strapped into a weight machine.
Life comes in wobbles and jolts, circles and twists, pops and
drops. There isn’t a single sport that mimics the movements of
weight lifting other than weight lifting.
So when you build muscles in these linear movements you create
muscle competency in straight lines only. Then when you go out
in the real world blam you get side swiped with the reality of
life in dynamic flow not straight lines.
Injury will result.
Generally speaking as a healer, the bigger the muscle and the
more it is trained into these straight lines the bigger the
injury is going to be.
That’s right I said it, the bigger the weight trained muscle –
the bigger the injury will be.
The weight training isn’t bad it just doesn’t train all the
potential pathways your body can and will take. You end up
lopsided. Instead of being protected by the strong muscles you
worked so hard to create you accentuate the weaknesses in
movement you didn’t train.
That power from your muscle can easily be driven off course and
twisted into a serious injury.
Let me state for the record, I’m not against weights. I just
suggest that if you do train with weights you want to build
upon a strong connection to your body.
Real strength is the connection between the mind and the muscle.
The best way to build the Body-Mind is moving meditation.
Qi Gong the way I teach it is Moving Meditation.
Once you unify the mind, breathing, and body nothing can stop
My students that have had completed 21 days of the Recharging
Qi Gong know what I am talking
I hope you will take a leap, join the fun and find out for
yourself how to tap into the vital Qi force sleeping inside you!
Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness, (and
Why lift weights?
Many years ago in a Colorado gym I was excited to try out the
greatest invention in weight training since the dumb bell or
was it?
Arthur Jones was the mad scientist behind this creation and it
did exactly as its creator designed it to do – put maximum
stress on individual muscle groups.
We thought the nautilus machine was the pinnacle of the fitness
world and with it we would develop anatomically perfect bodies
unlike anything previously seen.
This was the beginning of high intensity training.
And this physique was going to be this way because Jones had
devised the perfect torture devices with cams and chains that
loaded the weight progressively to put the most strain on the
muscle at every position – no cheating or easy strokes – all
pain directed at ever muscle fiber from tendon to tendon.
We loved it, nothing compared to a nautilus workout, and we
would laugh and joke about how we couldn’t stand up straight
the next day. Still to this day think it’s a near perfect
design. It blows out the muscle from start to finish at high
speed and, if you can take it, sprouts huge muscle growth.
So you may ask “Dr. Wu, why then do you no longer train with
weights? Is this a bad thing?”
The truth is on occasion I will pick up some weights or a
friend will convince me to try the latest new weight training
machine or fitness device. Well into my sixties, I’m not afraid
I’m going to hurt myself or do serious damage because my
foundation is in the Non-linier power movements of Qi Gong. It
is my Qi Gong that allows me to take on this extra effort.
Now that may sound strange to some. How can training without
weights enable you to train at an even deeper level with
Well for evidence of this I need only point to some of the
Russian Olympic power lifters. These dudes spent more time off
the weights then on them and took home plenty of gold over the
last half century to prove their methods as practical.
The movements of body weight training are clean because you are
the weight.
We are talking about building Strength, Speed, and Power, not
just muscle mass.
When you focus entirely on weight training you are no longer
the center, muscles are then enslaved to linear movements and
develop abnormal patterns of movement.
What I mean by this is that you will never move your body the
way you do when you are strapped into to a weight machine
unless you ARE strapped into a weight machine.
Life comes in wobbles and jolts, circles and twists, pops and
drops. There isn’t a single sport that mimics the movements of
weight lifting other than weight lifting.
So when you build muscles in these linear movements you create
muscle competency in straight lines only. Then when you go out
in the real world blam you get side swiped with the reality of
life in dynamic flow not straight lines.
Injury will result.
Generally speaking as a healer, the bigger the muscle and the
more it is trained into these straight lines the bigger the
injury is going to be.
That’s right I said it, the bigger the weight trained muscle –
the bigger the injury will be.
The weight training isn’t bad it just doesn’t train all the
potential pathways your body can and will take. You end up
lopsided. Instead of being protected by the strong muscles you
worked so hard to create you accentuate the weaknesses in
movement you didn’t train.
That power from your muscle can easily be driven off course and
twisted into a serious injury.
Let me state for the record, I’m not against weights. I just
suggest that if you do train with weights you want to build
upon a strong connection to your body.
Real strength is the connection between the mind and the muscle.
The best way to build the Body-Mind is moving meditation.
Qi Gong the way I teach it is Moving Meditation.
Once you unify the mind, breathing, and body nothing can stop
My students that have had completed 21 days of the Recharging
Qi Gong know what I am talking
I hope you will take a leap, join the fun and find out for
yourself how to tap into the vital Qi force sleeping inside you!
Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness, (and
Dr. Wu Dhi

Stress & Taxes

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

Yesterday I worked most of the day with my accountant in my
home office. Yes, I put it off to the last minute but unlike
most people that file late I did not suffer from extensive
stress or tension in my body.

Let me tell you why.

It’s not that I am immune to the pressures of financial and
time based obligations. I feel them just as anybody else does.

What makes me different is that I have learned to disconnect
and rewire these pressures.

In Qi Gong our goal is to return to the wisdom of the body.

When we get wound up in external pressures we lose track of the
body-mind and stay stuck in the busy-mind.

When we take a break and listen to the body, breathe
consciously we can separate the stresses of the mind from the

Being in the body or body-mind we can then free up the tensions
that have been stored in the muscles, fascia, and tendons by
relaxed conscious movement.

Relaxed and conscious movement can be fast or slow but either
way you begin to reprogram the body and free up destructive
patterns and muscle memory.

This is how Qi Gong works when you study the way I teach it.

Some teach Qi Gong as wrapping your arms around an imaginary
beach ball and holding your breath until you turn blue. That’s
not what this is

I teach 100’s of exercises on how to unify the body, mind and
breathing to create a more powerful you.

Now once you have cleared the body of stress you still need to
do your taxes.

If you haven’t yet I have a recommendation for you. I have a
friend named Gary Adams who is not only a fan of Qi Gong and my
work he is a CPA and he has his own website and can process
your taxes TODAY if you have yet to do so.

I recommend him over anybody else. He has easy to use software
and kind file any kind of form you might need.

I just spoke to him this morning and he told me that H&R
Block’s servers crashed yesterday. Can you imagine working on
your taxes and then blam – they’re gone.

Not going to happen on Gary’s site, he gave me a special link
to share with my friends.

You can go there now at

Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happyness,

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS: Practicing with an imaginary beach ball is not a bad thing,
I do that form myself sometimes, you just need some advanced
training to do it and gain real benefit. Check out

5 keys to unlocking Back Pain

Saturday, April 12th, 2008

Just moments ago I was enjoying a relaxing breakfast in my
kitchen and decided to get a jump on things and make a few
business calls. I made a call to a good friend and I was
shocked how he answered the phone.

“oh my back”

That’s how he answered the phone?

I know that in today’s day in age you already know who’s
calling you before you pick up the phone but how ’bout a hello

So before I do anything else this morning I’m dedicating an
email to my friend, you know who you are.

The rest of you who never have any back pain you’ll want to
read this as well because if you don’t have back pain I’m sure
you’re tired of listening to somebody that does.

Here’s the 5 keys to unlocking Back Pain:

1-Take care of the initial spasm or injury that created the
pain. (There are several ways to do this that I will give in
detail later below)

2- Give yourself time to recover.

3- Get your back stronger.

4- Avoid the things that may weaken your back. (I’m not just
talking about movement or lack of movement, there are types of
stress and even foods that can weaken your back)

5- Exercise your back daily.

That’s it, 5 things.

It’s really that simple but people suffer with this all the
time. Little do people know that if they start today they could
live the rest of their lives without another back ache.

Now for the details:

The pain that woke you up to your back problem is either a
spasm or a pulled muscle. In some chronic cases people have
spinal injuries but I assure you it those didn’t just sneak up
on you.

Unless the spinal injury was the result of a direct trauma the
deterioration of the spine would have first been preceded by
pulled muscles or spasms.

Those spasms are where you need to nip this back pain in the

Spasms can be treated with acupuncture, massage, deep tissue
work and even a good soak. The most important thing is that you
don’t ignore it. Once it hits you take it seriously, deal with
it, and eliminate the problem.

Back pain should be a priority to eliminate.

As I mentioned above, chronic back problems don’t sneak up on
you, they take years of neglect for them to become chronic
spinal damage.

Don’t ever neglect your back just doing a little Qi Gong
movement and breathing will banish Back Pain forever. This was
a major reason for putting together the Recharging Qi Gong I wanted to give away all the easy
to do exercises that eliminate all the aches and pains I see
every day in my office.

An ounce of Qi Gong is worth ten tons of cure. I don’t even
call it prevention because Qi Gong is fun to do. By just using
and moving your body and lungs every day all the tensions and
pains will leave the body.

Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS: Yesterday I wrote about how the micro movements of the
Instant Power Reset exercise can blow away stress and tension
in the shoulders and neck and I got some great feedback from
people that are using this exercise. The Instant Power Reset is
still only available as part of the
and is the foundation to the subtle body Qi Gong.

How to Beat Tension in Springtime

Friday, April 11th, 2008

Last week I had my nephew visit me and I was working on him in
my new office here in Miami.

He had and enormous amount of tension in his neck and
shoulders. I began to work on him and asked him what he had
been doing.

He told me how busy he was and how much work he had been doing.

I understand because I too seem to be busy all the time lately.

Regardless of what business you’re in, we all get busy in
springtime, this is natural and organic. In Chinese medicine we
don’t consider ourselves to be unaffected by the seasonal
change of energy.

The weather heats up and all creatures small and large begin to
stir and move about.

Insects come out of their holes, small animals leave their
burrows and or come out from hibernation.

The same is true for business, clients and business
opportunities wake up in spring time too.

The question is how will you handle the seasonal change. Will
you grow this season or buckle under the pressure?

As we take on more and more in the springtime, we stretch
ourselves. Everybody should be gaining new capacity in spring

Every spring we should grow a little more.

This is in accordance with natural law and the way of Qi Gong.

As we develop this new capacity we often outdo ourselves. We
have to take on more in order to grow new muscle.

When we take on more we can build the tension in the body and
that tension needs to be released in order for us to stay
healthy, stay young and live a vibrant life.

If you don’t release the added tension you will breakdown the

For my nephew I prescribed several exercises from my system The
Recharging Chi Gong
The three exercises I gave him are specifically designed to
free up the neck and shoulders.

The first exercise is to free up the tension around the neck.
When communication is strained is can create a physical
blockage in this area that manifests as literally a “pain in
the neck”

The second exercise is to release the tension in the shoulders
and middle of the upper back. New commitments and bourdons can
create tension in this part of the body and can be so painful
that they disturb your sleep and wreak your next day.

The third exercise I gave him is a very powerful exercise I
call the Instant Power Reset that he can practice anywhere to
release tension from a stressful workday while still sitting in
the office without anybody hardly noticing he’s doing an
exercise at all. With a series of tiny micro movements you can
unlock an amazing amount of tension and send a rush of oxygen,
blood, and euphoria throughout the entire body.

It’s a powerful secret.

These three exercises I prescribed for him not only alleviate
the tension he has accumulated, it relaxes his body and opens
his energy so that he is clear to operate and communicate at
his best during this burst of springtime energy.

I know, because I have seen it hundreds of times before, that
when these exercises are done you will end up smiling
throughout the day and be ultimately more successful.

I want this for you as well.

Many of us don’t feel that we can find time to work out, take a
walk, or even spend some time just doing a little deep

But the exercises I teach can be performed in seconds and
produce an instant result.

Even if you practice ALL the exercises in my manual back to
back, the way I do everyday, and they way I show in my
Recharging Qi Gong DVD, it only takes 26 minutes but you can
get benefit by just practicing one or two exercises a day.

I made the manual very easy to use.

Each individual exercises is described in detail and lists what
I prescribed them for. I don’t know any other manual like this
in China or the US.

Just a couple of minutes a day can create huge results and you
will experience a dramatic change in your energy level.

I hope you will find this out for yourself by going to and making a wise investment in

You won’t find this information in any other form and it would
take you years to gather it yourself.

Remember, you are not the only one experiencing all this new
energy and growth of spring time; everybody does whether they
are aware or they are not.

What’s makes you different as a practitioner of Qi Gong is the
ability to recognize how the body, the breathing and the mind
are focused and connected to the cycles of nature.

By doing this you can have the flow of nature and power of the
seasons work through you and energize your being.

This is what makes Chi Gong extra ordinary or even

Wishing you the best in health, wealth, and happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi,

PS: The move to the new office has been great. If you have not
been to my new office call me for an appointment today at 786

PPS: Check out for more.