Dr. Wu Dhi

Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

Eliminate Arthritis Pain

Many health problems are related to diet. You could simply not be getting in all the nutrients your body needs to function at its best. You could also be exercising wrong which can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

Turn All Your Stress Into Personal Power

The ostrich approach of putting our heads in the ground doesn’t work, and it never did.  Whatever mess we made of the world isn’t the fault of the president or the government or the political parties. It’s our fault. We were not paying attention, and that me-first attitude is where it got us. This negative situation that is affecting all of us – is our reality now.

People are stressed out, getting sick and for the most part – don’t have a clue what to do. There are so many things one can do to make your life better. It would blow your mind if you knew how easy it is to turn things around. Stress forces us to grow in the program, “Turn Stress Into Power.”

Healing and Protection from Negative Influences

Shungite has metaphysical properties that make it useful for both healing and protection. Black is almost always the color of protection in western magic, as it is said to cloak the subject of the spell in darkness so that bad luck cannot affect you.

Stay Cool with Qigong: Workshop Starts Saturday

In Chinese medicine, fall is ruled by the metal element and will affect your lungs and large intestine. They say the metal element effects the emotions of sadness and grief on the negative side and valor and courageousness on the positive. It’s a good time to move forward on all your projects. If we like it or not summer could return for one final hurrah. Higher temperatures could be on the way back, bringing an Indian summer to much of the US.

The Key to Longevity

Long before acupuncture, there was self-observation and self-cultivation Qi Gong. The insight and awareness cultivated by ancient sages created Chinese medicine. The practitioners of Chinese medicine can cultivate the wisdom and insight of the ancients through the regular practice of Qigong.

8.24.18 Organic Lemon Purification & Workshop

We’re currently in late summer, and it’s still very hot and stick in South Florida. This is the perfect time to clear out those old cobwebs and get ready for the fall season. Fall affects our lungs and large intestines and is ruled by the metal element. The negative emotions are sadness and grief; the color is white; and the positive emotion is valor and courageousness. Moving forward with all of your projects should be the goal.

Becoming An Alchemist

Transmutation is the key word characterizing alchemy. It may be understood in several ways: in the changes that are called chemical, in physiological changes such as passing from sickness to health, in a hoped-for transformation from old age to youth or even in passing from an earthly to a supernatural existence. Alchemical changes seem to always have been positive. Alchemy aimed at the great human ‘goods:’ wealth, longevity, and immortality.

Be The Master of Your Life

Many of us don’t travel as often as we would like because of money issues. We are reluctant to do something in fear that we won’t have enough cash or energy. In some instances, we are intimidated by a foreign language. I find that if you’re presented with an opportunity, seize that opportunity with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Make that leap of faith. Sometimes, all you have to do is open up to the lessons presented to you and the universe will give you everything you need and more.

Opening Your Heart Radio Show

The importance of opening your heart is to feel the energy of love, honor, joy and respect. The negatives of a blocked heart include hastiness, anxiety, itchy skin and insomnia. As you learn to open your heart, you become the alchemist transforming your negative energy into positive energy.

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