Time to Reset Your Body Clock

This is the time of the year I start to prepare
for the spring cleansing. I have been drinking a
lot more water and I found an App to help you
remember to stay hydrated. It’s called
“Waterlogged” and it’s free, it helps to keep you
on the water drink path, check it out.

Protect your health while you can

1. Chemotherapy
2. Radiation Therapy
3. Surgery

These may be the only tools that the Medical
doctors have in their toolbox, but if you can
avoid the cut, burn and poison treatments, you may
be better off. There are way too many misdiagnoses
these days and treatments are given according to
what they find. No matter if it’s accurate or
not. The recovery from the treatments is a long
hard road and could be worse than the disease

Celebrating the Last Days of Winter

Why is it that some of us catch several colds a
year? The answer is in our immune system. If our
immune systems are weakened, we will have a
tendency to get sick more often. In the winter
months this seems to happ en more because of
One of my secrets to staying healthy is staying
stress free and the best way to do it is by
learning the protections, meditations and internal
exercises in the Turn Stress into Power book and

Cancer is on the rise, don’t let it happen to you

I have been in the health care profession for more
than 40 years, treating patients in a much
different way than orthodox medicine. I work with
the patient to boost their immune system and as
the immune system gets strong, the dis-ease
disappears. It’s no miracle, that’s what the
immune system does, it keeps you healthy. If you
have a strong immune system, disease doesn’t
affect you.

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