Ancestry, energy

An Unstoppable Force is Coming

An Unstoppable Force is coming

They are coming with an unstoppable force. The
government can’t stop it and the POTUS is
powerless. It will make you spend your hard earned
cash and you may even spend more than you have.
You’ll over drink, over eat and over indulge in
most every aspect of your life. Some will love it
and others will hate it.
Yes! The holidays are here and the love/hate
relationship of the holiday season is here.

Every year this force takes over and seems to come
with more intensity as the years pass. Some dread
the holidays, becoming stressed or anxious in the
weeks leading up to a family get-together. Feeling
stressed out by the people you love can feel odd
and you maybe feeling guilty as well. In general,
most people feel some degree of stress surrounding
their families. This is itself is “normal” when
one leaves their comfort zone.

Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or
tension resulting from difficult circumstances. If
you feel anxious, rushed, or pressured, your body
changes—your heart rate rises, tension of
shoulders and some feel queasy, the holidays
themselves aren’t inherently stressful—it’s our
perception of them that stresses us out.

We all hope for the perfect time, the perfect
food, and that everyone will enjoy each others
company, but when our realities don’t match that,
we get frustrated, and stressed.

Yes! Here comes the family with all their baggage.
When we are all squeezed into someone else’s home,
conflicts do happen, hopefully this year everyone
is respectful of everyone else’s feelings, moods,
temperaments and habits.

This is the time to get the Turn Stress Into Power


There are valuable tools that will let you flow
through it all with a smile.

There is also a strategy that most of us don’t
consider: Simply staying home and not dealing with
the pressure of the family gathering, but what fun
would that be?

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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