The Mini Cooper blues

Once your health is gone it’s very hard to get
back. Every day I hear story after story about
people’s health problems and 80% of the older
people who are in their late 70’s and up say if
they knew they were going to live so long they
would have taken better care of themselves.

Meditation Question and Answers

The meditation started and I felt my energy moving
as if I was sitting on a giant rocket ship and
being propelled out into space. The next thing,
the Guru told me I could come back into the room
now although it seemed like the meditation only
took minutes an hour passed.

How to detox in only 7 days

This is the best times of the year to start
a detox. We are only a few weeks away from the
Summer Solstice, one of the most powerful days of
the year. When the season changes, we need to
change, if not we get stuck with stale energy.

Are you gulping down enough water?

Staying hydrated is soooo important to slow down
the aging process. My 93-year-old mother drinks at
least 24, 16 oz. bottles of water a week and her
skin is flawless, her kidneys function like she is
in her forties and her digestion works well.

A Vote of Encouragement

After spending a few weeks combing through the
Internet, I found your site and believe it aligns
very well with what I stand for and is a resource
my readers can trust. I’d like to provide you with
a badge that you can put on your site that shows
your website is endorsed by

Honor our Warriors

I spend a lot of time putting together programs and teachings to educate all of us about our health, what the best exercises are and what nutrition would be the best for us in order to give us a healthy and happy life.

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